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"Now that its only the cool kids," Theo said holding a black box in his hands.
"What's that?"
"A gift from my sister." he smiled. "Get all the leftover alcohol."
Neville and Harry got up collecting the half empty bottles around the common room. 

"What," Ginny asked noting Hermione's side eye as she pulled an unopened bottle from under a table. "I was saving it!"
"So you hid it under a table?"
"Yes? Who is gonna look under a table for fire whiskey?"
"Good point," Pansy nodded taking a sip from her cup. "So this game?"

"Right" Theo started. "You pick from the white pile and you have to do what it says. If you get a draw you have to pick from the black pile and do what it says. It's pretty simple."
"I'll start," Luna said picking up a card. "Vote: On the count of three everyone points to the person they think would benefit from anger management. The player with the most votes drinks."
"Okay. One, two, three!"
"One for Blaise, two for Ron, and everyone else for Draco. Drink up Blondie!"

"Fuck all of you I don't need anger management." Draco huffs before downing his drink.
Neville picked up a card. "Social: All players must take a hefty gulp from their drinks. Cheers! Well.."
"I'll go," Hermione said after everyone drank. "Oh brother. All girls must drink. Cheer again I guess."
"We're gonna be blackout by time we finished," Pansy said as she drew a card. "I gotta draw a black card." She drew from the black pile. "Rank everyone from least attractive to most attractive or take two shots or quit playing? Ooh!" She paused for a moment looking around the room. "Okay, Draco least attractive--"
"Obviously," Ginny nodded
"Of course, you bitch"

"Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron--"
"Neville, Theo, Luna, Blaise, and me as the most attractive, obviously."
"Woow, so Blaise is hotter than your boyfriend?" Theo asked with a raised brow.
"Yes. Isn't that what I said?"
"I'll remember that." He nodded.
"I feel like Blaise might die tonight." Draco joked making everyone laugh

"Luna's here she'll kill Theo before he kills me!" He laughed grabbing a card. "Oh this is easy! On the count of three everyone points to the player they think starts fights just for the make up sex."
"Ron and Hermione," everyone chorused. 
"Drink up babes!"
 "We never argue!" Ron scowled as the tips of his ears went red. "It should be Pansy and Theo."
"Sorry love we really never argue."
"She's right, sorry mate!"
Ron swallowed his drink. "You were literally just arguing about Blaise being hotter than you!"
"Anyone else noticed how quietly Hermione took her shot?" Neville teased.
"I swear to Merlin, Neville."

Harry draws a card and laughs. "Drink if your phone screen is cracked!
Ginny, Luna, Theo, and Harry take a shot.
"I have to draw again," Ginny says reaching for a black card. "Reveal how many people I slept with or drink four times."
"It's not hard to say zero!" Ron shouted as he watched Ginny down four drinks.

"I definitely would've called bullshit on zero!" Pansy snorted as the others laughed.
"And how many people have you slept with huh?" Ginny questioned trying not to laugh.
"I can say two cause I don't have a brother virginity watching me!" Pansy poked her tongue out at Ginny.
"Two?! Fucking lying slag!"
"It's probably two cause who would count Draco." Harry chimes making everyone scream in laughter.

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