AMENDS [irl]

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"Hey, can I ask you something?" Ginny asked as she took a seat across from Pansy.
Pansy looked up at her. "I'm sorry Gin, I'm not into you like that."
"What?" Ginny's face scrunched in confusion then disgust. "No--ew gross! No has Hermione been acting weird to you?"
"I mean no more than usual," she answered going back to her revisions. "Why?"
Ginny shrugged. "I think she's avoiding me. Since the weekend she's been acting funny."
"Well, what'd you say to her?"

"You know she's not like us. We say mean things to each other without thinking twice, she's too sensitive for that."
"I know! I swear I haven't done anything!"
"I'll ask her tonight when I see her."
Ginny sighed. "Why can't she just tell me?"
Pansy shrugged. "Introverts need time to gather their thoughts before the verbally kill you. Remember when Blaise dragged Draco an inch within his life?"
"Are you saying Mione's gonna drag me?"
"I hope so I'd love to hear what she'd say." Pansy looked up seeing Ginny's scowling face. "I mean probably not!"

Students tiredly filed out of Astronomy class. Luckily they only had a late class once a week.
"Can we talk?" Pansy asked as she hooked her arm with Hermione as they walked.
"If its about your's and Theo's bedroom issues, no."
"It's not--Wait what issues? Who said we had bedroom issues?"
"Nothing--No one. What did you want to talk about?"
Pansy eyed her for a moment. "Ginny." She takes Hermione's silence as a signal to continue. "She thinks you've been ignoring her. She wants to know why."

Hermione stopped walking and unhooked their arms as she turned to look at Pansy.
"If she wanted to know why didn't she ask me? Instead of using you as an owl."
Pansy rolled her eyes taking Hermione's arm and started walking. "How is she meant to do talk to you if you're ignoring her, hm?"
"I don't know. I just--" She sighed as they entered Gryffindors common room.

"Tell me," Pansy said taking a seat on the couch.
Hermione took a seat beside her and sighed again. "I kissed her."
Pansy shrugged. "So, its not that big of a deal. Unless you like her like her?"
"I don't. I just didn't want her to tell everyone!"
"Well I don't think the guys care. I'm ninety-eight percent sure they think Gin was joking."
Hermione stood up crossing her arms. "Maybe I'm overreacting. I just feels....violating. She told a secret after I asked her not to."

Pansy held up her phone. "I texted her she's on her way down."
"Hermione, I'm sorry. We were all joking about, I didn't think you would care to be honest."
"Of course I cared! Secrets are meant to be kept!"
"You're right. I should've respected your privacy." Ginny said wringing her fingers. 
"Thank you."
Pansy's eyes shifted between as they awkwardly stood in front of her. She rolled her eyes. "Hug, you slags."

i didn't think people were interested in this anymore
but i seen some people put this in their library so... an update as a thank you!

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