SPIES [irl]

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"What do you have planned for Hogsmeade?" Pansy asked as they trailed behind the group.
"I don't know. Probably some shopping, why?"
"Good!" Pansy leaned in careful to not let the others listen in. "Come with me to see who Blaise mystery date is."
"Oh!" Ginny grinned. "That sounds like a lot more fun."

Once they arrived at Hogsmeade, they split up. Hermione and Draco going off to the book shop, Harry and Ron going to the quidditch shop, and Ginny and Pansy off to carry out their plan. 

"Where do you think he'd take her?" Ginny asked.
"I don't know. Definitely not the Three Broomsticks, right? That's be too obvious."
"We can check anyway."

They weaved through the crowded street heading to the Three Broomsticks. Quickly they scanned the place, spotting Theo as the only familiar face.  

"Did she stand him up?" Pansy asked as they walked to his table.
"How's the date going?" Ginny smirked.
"She hasn't come yet." He rolled his eyes. "Remind me to beat Harry's ass for volunteering me!"
"Oh, she hasn't come yet?" Both Ginny and Pansy raised their brows.
"Is your stroke game weak today?"
"Shut up! Get lost before she comes--before she gets here!"
"Before we go, where does Blaise take his dates?"
"The cafe in the bookshop. Now go!"

With giggles they scurried out the Three Broomsticks and straight to the bookshop. Where they were met with Draco and Hermione walking out the shop.

"What are you two doing here?" Hermione asked, her voice drenched in suspicion.
"Looking for a good book to read."
Draco raised a brow at the obvious lie. "Nice try neither of you know how to read." 
"If I can't read then how come I'm doing better than you in every class, Draco?"
"You're not but okay. What are you actually doing here?"

Ginny and Pansy glanced at each other before looking back at the others.
"Blaise is having his date in the cafe in there."
"This is why he didn't tell us about her! You're just gonna disrespect his privacy?" 
"Yeah?" Pansy answered walking into the bookshop.
"Good, let's go. The cafe is upstairs."

So up the stairs they went and immediately spotted Blaise sitting in a booth. They clumsily shoved themselves into a booth to avoid being seen by him.

"Did anyone see who he was with?"
"Her back is to us! How would we see?"
"I don't know maybe you recognized the back of her head or something!"
"I'm gonna get some biscuits and walk past them."
"Don't be suspicious, Pansy!"
"I won't shut up!"

"Oh my gods I am going to scream!" Pansy said once she got back to the table.
Ginny picked up a biscuit and took a bite. "Why? Oh Merlin who was it?"
"You remember Rosemarie?"
"Who the fuck is Rosemarie?" Draco asked also taking a biscuit.
"The girl who was caught coming out the boys bathroom!"
Hermione's eyes widened."You're lying!"
"I swear to gods its her!"
"Wait, wait, wait...was Blaise...you know...in the boys TOILET?"
"Probably..Slytherin boys are disgusting like that."

"Let's go before I upchuck this biscuit and lunch."

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