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blame, anger, pain. 

those are only a few words that can describe how they feel.

The place that had once felt like home now resembled a haunted building, with scuff marks marring the floor, paint peeling off the walls, and a leaky roof. However, it wasn't the decaying appearance that made the atmosphere so unsettling; it was the tension and eerie silence that hung in the air. 

The eight boys who used to fill the space with laughter and music had completely abandoned it, leaving behind their sanctuary of happiness. That place was their escape, their happiness.

but happiness never lasts.

San stood before them, the weight of the moment evident in every word he cautiously spoke. He asked them to gather and sit on a dusty couch, placed in front of a barely functional boxed TV. Each of them stared at him with anxious anticipation, the room filled with palpable tension. Wooyoung nervously bit his lips until they started to bleed, a testament to the unease they all felt.


It enveloped the room, heavy and suffocating, after San uttered those two words—the phrase that no one among them could ever fathom hearing. It hung in the air, lingering like an unspeakable truth that none of them wanted to accept. 

They hoped against hope that someone would speak up, challenging the reality that had been presented to them. But it seemed that no one had the courage to voice their thoughts, as the weight of those words settled in, casting a dark shadow over their once vibrant lives.

The room was filled with nothing but the sound of their heavy breathing and an occasional drip from the broken ceiling. It was a reality none of them wanted to confront, a truth they desperately wanted to deny. Yet, as the seconds ticked by, the weight of their disbelief grew heavier, suffocating their hearts and souls.

screaming and shouting, blood and bruising, 


Amidst the chaos of emotions, there was a violent explosion of pent-up anger and frustration. Furniture that they had all lovingly purchased together lay torn into pieces, shattered glass from the windows strewn across the floor, and even a small table lay broken in half. It felt as though nothing could stand in the way of the fury that consumed them.

Seonghwa, however, remained seated, his eyes wide with shock as he stared at the reporter displayed on the television screen. The news anchor's voice filled the room, broadcasting the devastating report. The weight of his words crashed over him, deepening the darkness that had already enveloped their shattered lives.

"Breaking news: a man, now identified as 21-year-old Jeong Yunho, was found dead on a deserted road just today." 

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