Chapter 24

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Bellas pov:

Its time. I have to tell him. I already know he wont be happy about it but he has to know because he's my brother.

"Oh hello sister, i thought you forgot about me. Whats the matter?"
"Im sorry for not talking to you in a while but i have...good news i think?"
"Go on then."

He said. I could already tell that he's pissed at me, mybe this is bad timing. I can tell him tomorrow- no i cant i have to do it now or he'll get suspicious.

"As you know im no longer a virgin."
"Please, if yo're about to ask me questions then forget it, i still am one and you know that i hate it when you bring it up on purpose."

He said.

"Harry just let me finish talking please."

I said. He got quiet and waited for my to speak.

"You're going to be an uncle, congratulations."

I say with a insecure smile. Harry looked at me and he clearly didnt know how to react. I was scared about what will come next. I think hes processing the news.


I asked but he didnt anwser he just stood there without even looking at me.

"Harry. Say something, please."
"What do you want me to say? You are 15 and pregnant. What do you even expect me to say?"

Finally he spoke, but he didnt say what i wanted to hear.

"Look Harry, im sorry but it happend and we cant change anything about that."
"Who's is it?"
"Whos damn baby is it?"
"Dr- George's- its George's, who else could it be i only slept with him."

I said, i almost told him the truth.

He still didnt look very happy, he looked angry. He turned around and was about to leave. I called his name and i told him to get back but he didnt listen so i followed him.

"Harry wait!"

I yelled before he could go in the Gryffindro common room.

"What is it now!? You told me the great news and now leave me alone i need to process that!"

He yelled back.

"Arent you happy for me?"
"I dont know, if we were older, maybe but not at this age you are just too young. Sorry."

He said and went inside.

I didnt know what to do or where to go. Ron was on his way to the common room and he saw me crying infront of it. He quickly came up to me and comforted me.

"What happend? Why are you crying?"

He asked. I didnt respond him i just hugged him, i needed someone right now and if my own brother didnt want to be that someone- Ron works too.


Ron said as i hugged him.

"Now tell me whats wrong."

He said as i pulled away from him.

"Your brother got me pregnant and now my brother hates me and he doesnt want to know anything about me and his nephew or niece and i dont know waht to do because the only person i have now is George."

I said really fast, Ron barely understood me.

"Bloody hell. My brother got you pregnant? George will be a father? I am going to be an UNCLE?! This is great news Bella! I always wanted to be an uncle!"

He said. I wasnt sure if i heard him right, did he say that he thinks its great that im pregnant? It seemes like he did.

"Wait- are you really happy about that?"

I asked him, he nodded and he hugged me.

"You and George are going to be great parents."

He said and pulled away.

"Now come on, lets go inside."

He said and we went inside.

I went to my dorm and Ron went to his dorm.

George was already waiting for me on his bed.

"Bella, finally. How did it go? How did he react?"
"Well my brother reacted not so good but yours did. I accidentally told Ron about it because he found me crying outside the common room. You only have to tell 3 brother and 1 sister now. Youre welcome."

I said but George didnt seem happy about it, he looked concerned.

"Why were you crying?"

He asked.

"Because of Harry but it doesnt matter anymore. Hopefully Ron will tell him all the perks of being an uncle."
"How did Harry react? Was he angry at me? Was he angry at you?"
"He wasnt angry at all..more dissapointed. But doesnt matter he was always dissapointed in me."

I said.

"Im sorry Bella. We will change his mind i promise."

George said and hugged me.

I dont understand, why is it so bad that Harry's dissapointed i mean if he got a girl pregnant at 15 i would be too...or wouldnt I? Whatever now, it is how it is and i cant change his thinking but maybe Ron could because Harry sees him more as a sibling then me.

"Bella, Harry wants to talk to you."

Fred says as he comes into the room.

I go outside and hes really waiting for me.

"What do you want?"

I ask annoyed.

"I want to talk to you, and apologise."
"Go on then."

I say.

"But not here where anyone could listen."

He says. We go for a walk throught the corridors.

"Bella im sorrs for my behavior, i really am. I just didnt know how to handle this new information about you being...pregnant. I think im just not ready to be an uncle you know, and where should the child live when its born, you and i will still be in school and George will have to go to work."

He says nervous.

"It will be hard but mr. and mrs. Weasley will probably take care of him or her while we're in school and then on holidays i we will both be there an we can spend time with the child."
"That sounds ridiculous Bella, you wont be able to watch your kis grow up, what kind of mother will you be?"

He said, he has a pont there.

"Well our parents werent here either and look at us, we're doing perfect."
"Yeah very, you are pregnant and i? Actually i am the one thats doing brilliant."

He said, again he's right.

"I know but- maybe she or he will end up like you."
"Hopefully not, i hope it ends up more like it's father side. I hope it has red hair and freckles so no one will ever assume that it has Potter blood in it."

He said. Little does he know the baby cant have red hair, either it has brond or platinum blodn hair theres no in between.

"Yeah, red hair and freckles would be great."

I say while looking down at the floor.

"We will find a solution Harry but first we'll have to tell all the Weasleys."
"You mean YOU and George will have to tell them, i dont have anything to do with your accident. Dont get me wrong i support you now but thats your responsibility sister."

He said.

Im happy that he'll be there for me now but i still dont think that he's fully okay with it.

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