Chapter 13

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Im sorry that i didnt continue this story earlier,
i had alot os school stuff to do.

What should i do now? I cant just go up to George and say ‚hey i cheated on you with Maloy amd he could also be the father of my child.' God im so screwed. I need help, i need to find Fred.
There he is, sitiing in our room and reading, George is not here.

„Fred please help me."
„With my problem."
„Fred! How should i tell George?"
„Oh, that problem. Yeah, none of my buisness sorry."

He said and continued reading in his stupid book, that ignorant boy.

„Bella. Just tell him. Its not that hard."
„Not that hard? Fred i  heated on him with Malfoy!"
„Your own fault darling."
„Fred. Please. Help me."
„What do you want me to do Bella? Do you want me to tell him? No, i wont do that. Im sorry but you fucked up."

I left the room and went to walk around the corridors.

„Bella. Hey."

I looked up, it was George. Why do i have to see him right now..

„Oh, hey George."
„How are you feeling Bella?"
„Not so well, my head hurts and- and i have a problem."
„What kind of problem?"

He asked worried.
I cant tell him here and i cant tell him now. But sooner or later he'll find out.

„George i-"
„What Bella? You can tell me anything you know that."
„I- maybe you arent the father of my child."

He looked at me in pure shock, nodded and walked past me.

„George! George wait!"
„Who else could it be?"

I shook my head.

„Tell me!"
„Draco. Draco Malfoy."
„You cheated on me with Malfoy!?"
„Im so sorr-"
„Weasley! Dont talk to her like that."

Someone said. I turned around and saw Draco, great my day coulnt go any worse.

„Draco please leave."
„Why is he so rude to you?"

I looked at him.

„You told him, didnt you."
„I did. And if i were you, i would leave, now."

Draco walked passed me and stood infront of George. I was scared that they would hurt eachother.

„What did you do to her Malfoy.?"
„I didnt do anything. Weasley. She wanted it."
„You liar!"

George yelled, he grabbed Dracos sweater and pulled him to himself.

„George! Let him go."
„Bella shut up."

He looked at me with anger in his eyes. I felt so bad, you cant even imagine it.

„Bella, love, please go."
„Dont. Call her love."
„Or what Weasley? Will you call your brother? And what will he do with me?"
„Shut. Up."
„No, i wont."
„Shut up Malfoy."
„Or. What?"

George Weasley [🌶spicy🌶]Where stories live. Discover now