Chapter 8

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George wanted to go back to Fred and confront him about it. But i didnt let him go, he would just make it worse.

„Whats wrong with him?!"
George yelled at me. He really was angry, he has never been so angry, atleast i never saw him get this angry.

I wanted to hug him, he pushed me away from him.

„Im not just angry at him Bella. Im angry on both of you."
He said.

Why at me? What did i do wrong? He was the one that caought feelings. Not me!

„What? Why at me? What did i do wrong?"
I shouted.

„Why you? Why you? Because you made him fall for you!"
He said.

What? I made him fall for me? Whats that supposed to mean?

I couldnt talk to him anymore, he made me cry and i rushed out of our room, i was in the hallway and went on my knees, i just couldnt do this anymore.

As i opend my eyes there were two black shous infront of me, i looked up to see-

I said.

„Hello little Potter. What are you crying here? And where is your little boyfriend?"
He asked me so many questions.

„What do you care Malfoy..."
„I dont. Well i kinda do. Whatever now, why are you crying who hurt you?"
He got on his knees infornt of me, he lifts my head up, i could feel his cold hands on my cheeks.

I couldnt stop myself from starring at him. He had such beautyful eyes.

„What are you starring at?"
„N- nothing Malfoy, leave me alone."
I said, got up and wanted to leave.

He didnt let me leave. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

„You wont leave until you've toldme why you were crying!"
He said.

I started crying again.

„What are you doing Bella?"
A voice behind me said. I turned around-


It was George.

„Ahh come to see the show?"
Malfoy said to him.

George was already angry, he walked up to us and wanted to hit Malfoy, but i stood infront of him and ‚protected' him.

„What are you doing Bella?! Get out of the way!"
George yelled at me.
„No! If you hurt him, i will hurt you too."
I said back.

Both of them said.

„Youve heard me."
I said.

I could see how Malfoy lips formed into a smile, and i could see how Georges eyes filled with tears.
George walked away and mummbled something to himself. He went around the corner, i thought he left, but he didnt. He hid there and listened to us.

I turned back to Malfoy.
„Now let me go."
„No, little Potter is brave. Why did you do this for me? We dont like eachother, well, me and your nrother dont."
we dont like eachother either Malfoy."
„Why did you protect me from Weasley? Isnt he your boyfriend?"
was my boyfriend."

I walked away leaving Malfoy standing there with an open mouth. I walked the same direction as George, i walked to the same corner s Geroge...

„What do you mean by was Bell?"
A sad voice said, i turned to the side and saw George.
I said.
„Yes Bell, its me. And what do you mean by was?"
He looked very sad. I felt really bad, i didt mean to say that.
„You heard me, obviously, cause you are still here, and obviously listening."
„Dont change the subject now Bell! Did you want to break up with me?"
George asked me.
„No- yes, no, i mean yes- no- i dont know George."
„Well, if you want to end this, then do it."
„No i dont want to en this George, i was just angry at you."
I said. But George didnt listen, he walked off, sad.

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