Chapter 12

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2 months have passed, i didnt talk with Malfoy since. And Fred never mentioned it again.
Me and George really seemed happy, even if i had a big secret. Me, Malfoy and Fred. Malfoy still doesent know that Fred heard and saw us, and he wont find out, neither will George. I cant tell him.

Today morning i was feeling very sick, i had to throw up and i felt very dizzy. George said that i am just sick and i have to rest, so i did. But theres more behind that, im sure it is.

I went down to the hospital wing and told mrs. Pomme, she told me she wanted to do a full-body-contoll on me, so she did.

She said something that left me in schock and pure terror, i couldnt even say goodbye, i just left and went back upstaires.

„What sid mrs. Pomme say Bella?"
George asked me worried.
„I- i cant tell you."
Tears bursted down my face but again i was silent, George came up to me.
„Dont touch me!"
I shouted, that cought Fred's attention, he looked at me worried.
„whats wrong Bella?"
Fred asked. I was still crying and i couldnt bring thw words out, it was too painfull.
I shouted. Harry came in my mind and i cried harder.
„He will kill me and the father!"
„Father? Bella what are you talking-"
„Bella! Are you-"
„I am pregnant!"
I yelled and fell on my knees, i couldnt stand anymore. George cought me and wrapped his arms around me, Fred stood up, he could walk again, and came up to me. He gave me a concerned look and i just naughted confused.
We understood eachother.

I dont know who it is. And neither does Fred. Or George.

George went down to get me water, me and Fred were alone in our room.

„Do you know who the father is?!"
He asked me.
„I dont know Fred!"
„Does Malfoy know?"
„No! Ofcourse not! He will kill me."
„Does Harry know?"
„No! He will kill me too, and George, because he'll think its his."
„Ugh shit Bella!"

George came back and we stopped talking. I was still in shock, sitting on my bed.

I wanted to get some air, so i went up to the astronomy tower, i hoped that nobody was there. To my luck Malfoy was there. Great.
He said.
I ran up to him and hugged him. First he didnt know what to do but then he hugged me back.
„Why are you crying?"
He asked. I didnt want to tell him. Not jet.
„I- i missed you."
„You are so bad at lying Bella. Now tell me whats wrong."
„I cant Draco, you'll kill me."
„No, i would never hurt you Bella, im in love with yo-„
„Im pregnant!"
He looked at me in shock, then pressed his lips together and rubbed his forehead.
„Who is the father?"
„I dont know..."
„You dont know!? How wouldnt you know!?"
„Im sorry Draco."
„I dont know what to say Bella. Who knows it?"
„George and Fred."
„Your brother?"
„No! He'll kill me and the father!"

Draco just looked down at my eyes and hugged me. I broke down again.

How could this happen? This is not fair. I cant tell anyone. Expecially not Harry. What should i do with the baby? I cant kill it, i dont want to kill it. Now i'll have to tell George about my affair with Draco. Shit! I fucked up everything!

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