Chapter 1

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(Im sorry if the stories too spicy if yk what i mean. If you cant handle it then i would recommend you not to red it. 💗)

My name is Bella Potter. Im a Gryffindor, 15 years old and the twinsister of Harry Potter.
I dont really have friends. Girl friends. Im not as popular like my brother. Girls dont like me. I have afew friends but they are just friends with me because of my brother and his friends. No one really likes me. They say that i have too many boy friends. They call me a slut, and other stupid names. I didnt choose to be an orphan baby, wich parent were killed by Voldemort, only left with a brother, without any friends, or any family. The family that we had, died. All of them died. Expect the Dursleys, but the dont want us to live with them, they threw us out when we were only 13 years old.
Since then on, we live with the Weasleys. George is my bestfriend since the first day.
Currently we have winter holidays. Harry and i are at the burrow, like every year. Its the best time of the year to be there with all these people, with George..

„Wake up Bella!"
George screamed full of happieness. It was 6 oclock in the morning. Why was he up already!
„George! Go away i want to sleep."
I say and cower my face with the bedsheeds. He sniggled into my bed and starres at my face.
„I will lay here and watch you till you wake up Bell."
He said. I turned around so i wont face him anymore.
„Rude Bell! Rude."
George said. He woke Fred up with his annoying words.
„George leave. Its to soon to wake up."
Fred said.
Yes, i share a room with the twins. Sometimes its hard to live with them but its always funny.
I couldnt fall asleep anymore so o got up, got dressed and went down. George was already waiting for me.
Fred went back to sleep and the others were still sleeping. George was sitting on the coutch and looking at me.
„What are you looking at?"
I asked.
„Nothing Bell. Come here."
George said. I went to sit next to him, he layed his arm round me and pulled me to his chest, he was stroking my hair.
I looked up to his face.
„What did you wake me up for George?"
„I wanted company. And you are always a perfect company."
He said and smiled down at me. I felt my cheeks turning red, so i burried my head into his chest.

„Good morning you two."
Molly said. She gave George a serious look, he imediatly stood up and folloeüwed his mother. I couldnt hear what she said to him, i only heard George say „no i wont make it obvious.".
Make what obvious? He got back to the coutch and layed his arm over me again.
„Bell, i love you."
George said and pulled me closer to him. I looked up to him again, confused.
„As my bestfriend silly."
He said and giggled.

The others finally came down to eat. After breakfast i went up to our room. I started changing. I heard the door open, i had no time to grab ashirt or something. I didnt even have a bra on jet!
I screamed and turned around. I was too slow.
„Bell- i- wow- im- sorry, ill get out."
He stuttered. Well, that was awkward. I dressed up fast and went outside. I sat down on a bench and just looked up to the sky. I heard footsteps. Please not George. The footsteps got closer so i turned around.
I say.
„Hey Bell. Im sorry that i bursted inside, i shouldve knocked first, sorry."
„Its okey George."
I say. He looked at me, at my eyes.
„Uh- uhm- i- i'll go inside its cold."
Ugh, why was he so awkward? Its more emberassing for me than for him!

I went back inside because it was getting cold.

George Weasley [🌶spicy🌶]Where stories live. Discover now