Chapter 19

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Bella pov:
I looked up and saw someone standing infront of me.

„George? What are you doint here?"
„I could ask you the same question."

He got on hi knees infront of me and layed his hand on my cheek.

„Why are you crying darling?"

I looked at him, my eyes were red because i've cried so hard.


He asked. I nodded and cried again. He pulled me into a hug. I leaned my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

He waitet until i was ready to talk. I pulled away from the hug.

„He told me to choose."
„Between him and me?"
„Yes. And- and i chose you."
„You chose me?"
„Yes. Then he left me. He said that i should be happy with you and the baby."

I could see how George turned sad. He layed his hand on my cheek again and slowly got closer.

„We will be happy Bella, i'll try my best."

He said.

We looked at eachother for afew seconds then i kissed him. I couldnt resist.

This kiss wasnt like the other ones, it felt different, it felt like love. Like it was the first time i ever kissed someone.

„Where is he now?"
„I dont know. He left me behind. I was crying and yellind his name but he ignired me.."
„Im sorry. Bella, trust me, his heart hurts so much rught now."
„How would you know?"
„I just know. He wanted to turn around so bad but couldnt because he'd seem weak and soft. Trust me i know how a guys mind works."

George said.

We went to our dorm together, we skipped school today. We were cuddling in his bed the whole time while Fred was in school.

„You two fuckers! The whole day! The whole bloody day i was alone! Do you know how i feel?! I feel betraid!"
„Fred we-"
„No! Fuck you! Fuck both of you! Im going to shower now."

Fred bursted into the room. He started yelling at us and shoved his middlefingers in our faces.
George and i were laughing our asses off, Fred was so dramatic.

I cant remember the last time i laughed so much. I cant even remember the last time i truly laughed, its sad.

Fred camw out the shower, his red hair was wet and he stood there with just a towl around his body.

„Fred get dressed my girlfriend is here."
„Wouldnt be the first time she saw me naked."

My eyes wided. George looked at Fred and then at me.


I shouted.

„What? Im not lying."

Fred was making this whole situation so awkward, George probably thinks that we fucked.

„Do you have to tell me something or...?"
„No George, honey, its not like that! Hes just joking! I swear!"

I said to George.

„George. We didnt fuck, she just saw me naked."
„Thats probably true."

I said.

„Bell, did he see you naked too?"
„Ofcourse not! It was an accident."
„Alright. If i hear something like this ever again i'll kill both of you."

George said.
Fred just couldnt keep his moith shut.

„But i would fuck her if she wasnt your girlfriend George."

Everyone went silent.

„Fred, baby do you think before you speak?"
„Dont call him baby."
„Dont be jealous brother."
„Fred shut up."
„George dont be mean."
„Yesh George, listen to your girlfriend."

George got really mad, he stood up and walked up to Fred, i sat up on the bed.

„You would fuck her hm?"
„Yeah, i would. But only if you werent together, right Bella?"

Fred said and looked over to me, he winked at me. George saw that.
He pushed Fred agressivly against the wall.

„Woah George, chill. Im joking."

Fred said.

„George let him go, hes joking."

I told him to stop, this was getting out of hand.

„If i ever see you touch her.."
„Calm down George. It was just a joke."
„George let him go."

George let go of Fred and came back to the bed. Fred got dressed and let his towel fall on the ground with his front showing.

„Omg Fred!"

George covered my eyes with his hand.

„Calm down guys. Its not a big deal, well, it is big but you know what i mean."

Fred said.

I laughed because that was really funny.

„Dont laugh at him, hes an idiot."

George giggled.

Fred got dresses and we all went down for dinner.
I sat down next to George and Fred, after a long time again.

I thought about Draco, i glanced over to the Slytherin table...he wasnt there. I hope he'd come soon, he has to eat something, he didnt eat breakfast either.

„What are you looking at?"
„Nothing. Just- Draco isnt here."
„Darling. Forget about him, he probably isnt hungry."
„But he didnt eat breakfast, he'll starve."
„Dont be dramatic Bell, hes just not hungry."

George said. We continued eating and talking with Fred. We were laughing and taling while eating dessert. I finished and sat there, quite, waiting for them to finish.

Suddenly i felt something...someone touch my tigh.

„George what are you-"

He said and went higher up with his hand, closer to my underwear. I stopped him with my hand.

„Not here George! My brother is right there. Everyone could see you."

I whispered. He pushed my hand away and went closer.

„I dont care."

He whispered back.

„George not here, please."

He continued. But i pushed his hand away.

„You never let me tease you in public. You never take a little risk. You'll regret that later."
„What do you mean?"
„I'll destroy you."
„But Fred-"
„He can watch."

I was speechless. WHAT did he just say!? I HOPE he was joking, if not- im oving out.

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