Chapter 6

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„Goodmorning Bell."
I hear George say with his raspy, morning voice.
„Goodmorning Georgie."
I say and kiss him.

I wanted to get up and get ready. But i couldnt stand up, my whole body was hurting.

„Oh, we cant stand up can we? I did you good yesterday right?"
George giggles.
„Oh come on George, not now. Come and help me, we'll be late for breakfast."
I say. He helped me get up and we walked down together.

As we sat down i noticed that Fred was gone.
„Ollie, wheres Fred?"
I ask Oliver.
„I dont know Bella, i think he left in the middle of night i didnt see him in the morning."
He said.

I look at George, he looks concerned. We ate and went looking for him.

Harry saw that i was struggeling wih walking and that i had bruises (hickeys) all over my neck. He followed us, without me noticing.

I yelled. He was on the astronomy tower. Alone.
„What are you doing here?"
I asked him.
„Oh Bell, hey. Hey George. I just wanted to chill for a bit, alone, and think."
„About what?"
George asked him.
„Oh just...things."
Fred anwsered. He looked like he was crying. I went and hugged him, he needed it.
„Why were you crying Freddie?"
„Its just. George has everything. He has you, he has a perfekt life and i, what do i have?"
I felt bad for him.

„Bella! Step away from them!"
A voice yelled. I turned around...
„Harry? What are you doing here?"
I asked.
„I saw you struggeling with walking and you have bruises on your neck, did he hurt you? Did you hurt her?!"
He yelled at George.
„No Harry, i would never-„
„Why cant she walk then?"
Harry was too funny. It was ebaressing.

George lookes down at me and i looked at him. We both burst out laughing.

„Whats so funny?"
Harry was so confused.

„Its nothing, i cant tell you brother. Its personal. It would make everything very embaressing."
I said laughing.

Fred understood what it was, i could hear him giggle.

„What? Tell me, now Bella!"
Harry was getting slight angry. I couldnt ceep it for myself anymore.
„You know Harry, me and George...we had-"
„Oh god im so sorry George. I- yeah well this is embaressing. I will just leave you here and go back eat. Okey? Yeah okey."
He stopped me from finishing.

I now got back to Fred.
„Why would you think that Fred?"
„What youve told me."
„Oh, that. Yeah, it doesent matter anymore."
„Are you sure?"
„Okey, but if you want to tell me, you still can."
„Yes, thank you, but its nothing."

I domt belive him. He has an issue. I just dont know what.
Me and George go back inside and leave Fred there, he didnt want to leave with us.

George Weasley [🌶spicy🌶]Where stories live. Discover now