Chapter 16

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The day went by and its already dinner time. I went down and sat down next to George and Ron. Why not Fred you may ask. Its because i dont think we are on good terms right now and i havent talked to him in a while.

I looked over to the Slytherin table and saw Draco. He looks furious. I can feel his anger on me.

„What are you looking at?"
„Nothing George. Not important."

He looked over to the Slytherin table and saw Draco staring over here. He got closer to me and kissed my cheek.

„I know he's staring."

He whispered in my ear. His voice gives me goosebumps.

While dinner i didnt pay much attention to Draco. I couldnt ceep my eyes off George and neither did he. He joked around the whole time and it felt so great that were friends again...actually, i dont know what we are.

I finished eating and was very tired, i went out the great hall and wanted to go to my dorm.


I turned around and saw Draco, he looked really angry. He came up to me.

„You filthy slut."

He said and pushed me against the wall.
All the students and teachers were still in the great hall, that means nobody would hear me if i call someone, neither could they hear what Draco said.
It made me angry and sad, whats wrong with him?

„What did you call me?"
„A slut."
„Wow. Thank you."

He looked at me and grabbed my neck, he pushed me even harder to the wall.

Next to us was a classroom. He looked at the door then back at me.

„You're going to be punished for that."

I couldnt even say something back, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into that classroom. The classroom was dark, the only light was comming from the moon shining through the window.

„Draco what are you doing?"
„Shut up."

He was so angry.
He pushed me against the wall and closed the classroom door, he locked it.

I was scared of him.

„Draco what are you doing!?"
„I said, shut up!"

He punched the wall next to my head and got really close to me. I turned my head away from him and closed my eyes, i thought he would hit me.

He grabbed my chin and turned my head agressivly so i would face him.

„Look at me."

My eyes slowly filled up with tears, he saw that but he didnt care.

„Draco please, let me go.."
„No. You are a slut Bella and a bad person. You just think of yourself and how you could hurt people that love you! You are nothing better than your brother."

I started crying and i could tell he felt bad about what he had just said to me.

„Thats how you think about me?"

He looked at me and licked his lips. Then he punched the wall again, i flinched and turned my head away.

„Yes! Thats what i think about you!"

I cried even more but he didnt care at all.

„I loved you Bella! I loved you so much that i woul've died for you! And you? You used me!"
„I used you?! Who pulled me in a classroom and fucked me on the table?! Who did that?!"

He got quite and got closer to me.
I couldnt handle this anymore, i wanted to push him away but i couldnt. I was standing there as if i was frozen.

„I know you want me Bella."

He kissed me, then he looked at me again and agressivly pulled me to one of the tables. He made me sit on it and spread my legs so he could stand inbetween them. He took our clothes off, kissed me again and kissed down my body while he pushed me down so i would lay on my back.

I didnt know what to do, i didnt know if i should scream or cry or push him away.

He took off my panties and opend my legs, he started rubbing slow circles on my clit. He started doint it with his mouth and went so hard. I held on to his hair, i was moaning his name. He didnt let me finish. He got up to me and grabbed my neck. He pushed my legs wide open and stuck it inside. It was painfull, he had no mercy with me, he didnt care how i felt, he didnt care if he would hurt me.

He went harder and every time he pushed it deeper and deeper inside.

I was screaming and moaning so loud, i think some people heard it.

Draco went even harder. He finished and got dressed really fast.

„I hate you."
„What did you say?"
„I hate you Draco!"
„Well, you didnt seem to hate me afew minutes ago."

I looked at him and didnt know what to do, i dressed up quickly and looked at him

„You did it without my permission."

I said and unlocked the dor. I walked pass him and went out of that stupid dark room.
I almost cried on my way, was that a bad thing? Was i too mean to him? I think he dodnt mean to do it that way, he was just angry thats it.

I went to my dorm, George and Fred are there and theyre doing their homework.

„Hey guys."
„Hey Bella."
„May i help you guys?
„You? You cant do 7th year stuff, its too hard for you."
„I dont think so Fred. Give that to me."

I took his book and tried to understand the question.

„Youre right. Here take this back, i dint understand it."
„But you can stay here as company."

George said smiling.


I said and smiled back at him.

„Are you guys dating again?"

Fred asked, George and i looked at eachother and neither of us knew what to say.

„I- i dont know?"
„I guess so."
„Yes we are."

We said nervously.

„Okey. Cool."

Fred said and continued working.

After they finished their work we all went to sleep.

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