Chapter 9

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I didnt follow him. I just let him go. I sat down on the floor and cried.

It was already time for dinner, i was sitting in the hallway for houres. I went down to the great hall, my eyes were swollen red and my sleeves were wet 'cause i wiped my tears with them.

I sat down next to my brother, Harry, and Ron. Harry immediatly saw that i was crying.

„Why are you crying?"
„Im not Harry."
„Yes you are! Is it because of George?"
I cought my face with my hands and started crying again. Harry looked to Ron, who didnt understood what was happening.

„What Harry?"
„Your brother made my sister cry!"
They whispered to eachother.
„So what? Thats their problem."
After Ron said that Harry threw his peace of bread at him.

„You two are not helping!"
I yelled at them, they got quite.

The door opend and i looked over who it was, George entered the great hall, with Fred. Fred was sitting in a wheelchair because he couldnt walk without pain.

George sat infront of Ron and helped Fred sit on the bench.

I couldnt look at them. Harry leaned to me and whispered something in my ear.
„Why are both of them starring at you? What have you done?"
He asked.
„Nothing, what should i do?"
I anwsered.

„Bell, were you crying?"
Fred asked.
„Ofcourse she was, shes always crying, of laughter. Right Bella?"
Ron cut him off. I looked over to him and just naughted with a smile.

While eating i glanced over to the slytherin table and saw Malfoy starring over here.
I immediatly looked away, that was awkward.

I had to look over again, Malfoy was still starring over here. He smiled at me and looked away.
I felt my lips form into a smile.

„Why are you smiling now?"
Ron whispered.
„nothing ron."

I was the first one who finnished with eating, i rushed out and as i walked away i heard the door open again, i didnt look back and i didnt know where to go. If i go to our room George and Fred will be there, if i dont, i dont know where else to go. Harry wouldnt ket me sleep in his room, too many boys. Ugh, where should i go.

As i was walking and thinking about where to go a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, into a room.
It was dark inside there, i couldnt see who it was, i couldt see anything.

The person grabbed my neck and pulled me into a kiss, i pushed him aways first, but he stroke throught my hair and gave in. I still didnt know who it was.

He continued kissing me and slightly pushed me back to the wall. My back was now on the wall, he was still holding my neck, hard. I wrapped my arms around his head and kissed him back.

I think it is George. It probably is George, he was quite taller than me and he felt like George, his kisses felt like George, but his hands were cold. George never has cold hands.

Hos hands were all over my body, he took off my sweater and threw it on the floor. I took off his shirt and threw it on the floor. I was standing there, infront of a boy, whos face i couldnt see because of the dark, half naked and making out with him.
He picked me up and carried me to the tables, he put me down and started kissing down my body.

He was rough, George was never rough. He changed since the last time.

As i said he was kissing down my upper body, he took off my skirt and my panties.
I wasnt shure if i wanted it, but it was George so yes.

He rubbed my cl%t with his thumb, rough, he started licking and kissing know.
His fingers slipped inside me as if they were nothing.
He came up to me again, took his own pants and underware off, and slid his thing inside me.

It felt bigger than last time.

I wanted to take over, because i knew George loved it when i was on top, but this time he pushed me down by my neck with one hand and my wrist with his other. He was grabbing it too hard, it hurted.

He felt so good. He was very very rough.
He slapped me, oushed me down, choked me, grabbed my wrists, pulled my hair, he hurt me, and while that he didnt say a thing.

After we finnished he sadi one thing ‚be loyal to yourself, we like eachother domt we.' and just left, i could see his hand at the edge of the door when he left, he had many rings on his fingers, George never wears rings...

Then i realised...cold hands, rings, rough...the sentence that he sadi before he was Draco Malfoy.

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