Chapter 10

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I followed him out the door, but as i stepped out he was gone.

I started crying. Not because my whole body hurted or that i just sleep with Malfoy, no, its because i betraied George.
How could i be so stupid and think that he wanted me back this way...

I wakked to our room to sleep, crying i layed on my bed. Fred was already asleep, i dont know about George he wasnt here, he was probably with a girl or something, who would blame him? He had a horribale girlfriend...
I stopped thinking about it and almost fell asleep as the door opend.

George came inside and walked up to my bed. I could feel his hot breath on my cheek, he kissed me and went to bed.
I dont think he knew i was awake.
I now felt even worse. I have just slept with MALFOY and he still gives me goodnight-kisses.

I whimpered.
„Bella? Are you awake?"
He asked.
„Yes, yes i am. George i did aomething very bad.."
„What did you do?"
I wanted to admit that i slept with Malfoy. But i couldnt tell him..
„I- i didnt mean to hurt you George. I didnt mean what i said. Im sorry..."
He came up to my bed again, he sat beside me and looked at me.
„Its okey Bell, i know that you didnt mean what youve said. You would never hurt me, and neither would i hurt you."
I smiled at him.
„I love you Bella."
He said and kissed me.

What in the world was happening. He is such a good soul, i dont deserve him, he doesent deserve this mess!

„I love you too George. Can we just pretend that it never happend?"
„Ofcourse darling."
He said and kissed me again.

That night we ended up sleeping together in my bed, not sleeping together, just cuddleing and sleeping.

In the next morning i woke up very early but i didnt want to get out of bed because George was still sleeping.
I saw Fred writing something in a book, he layed it under his pillow and tried to crawl into his wheelchair, then he rolled out.
I tried to get out of bed without waking George up, i went to Fred's bed and took the book that he was writing in.

I know its none of my buisness but i didnt care in that moment.
I took the book and read in it.

theyre again cuddleing and sleeping, why cant i have a life like that? A life with Bella. Im happy if George is happy but he doesent deserve her, after what she did yesterday...she dosent deserve him either. I dont know if i should tell George...he'll find out one day, but i wont be the one whos telling him, she will do it herself. I will make her tell him. It will break his heart and he will hate her. That means that she'll come to me. My poor brother, his little perfect girlfriend isnt that perfect as she seems.'

As i was reading this cold sweat ran down my back.
Fred knows?!!
How did he find out? Was it him and not Malfoy? No it cant be, he cant even walk on his own. I am screwed if George finds out. Damn it Fred! You always have to make things worse in last time.

„What are you doing Bella?"
A voice asked me, i turned to the door and saw Fred sitting there. He rolled up to me.
„I- im sorry i didnt mean to-"
„Its okey. I know what you did Bella. You'll have to tell him. Sooner or later he'll find out."
He cut me off.

„I cant tell him Fred! He'll kill me! And im not even 100% shure who it was..."
„Well i know who it was."
„Who? And how do you know?"
„Yesterday you walked out of the great hall, Malfoy immediatly followed you out, so i told George that im tired and that i'll go up to sleep, but instead i followed you. You walked throught the halls and suddendly someone pulled you into a room. I wasnt sure if it was Malfoy because i havent seen him walk through there. I heard everything Bella. Everything. And then he left the room, tying his tie. Then you came behind, crying and with bruises. First i thought you had a fight, i know that Malfoy is a monster but he would never hit a girl that brutally. Then you started crying and walked up to me, you seemed as you didnt see or hear me so i went up fast, i layed down in my bed and you came inside, then George came. I heard your conversation Bella, you wanted to tell him right. But you couldnt."
He said. As he was talking tears ran down my face, but i sat there in silence.

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