Chapter 11

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„Why wouldnt you tell him?"
I asked.
„Because i wont, you have to do it yourself."
He said and grinned. Then he rolled out and left, this time he really left.
I couldnt tell George. Im so sorry but i cant.

„Morning Bell, are you already up?"
George said, he woke up. Fast i brushed of the tears and went back to my bed, i cuddled onto George.
He wanted breakfast and i didnt, so he went down to eat and i went to the astronomy tower to think. I thought about what happended and what will happen. I heard footsteps behind me.

„Little Potter."
He said. It was Malfoy.
„Go away Malfoy."
„Oh, so now you dont want me hm?"
He had a sneaky grin on his face as he came up to me. I couldnt go away because i was leaned onto the framework.
He took my jaw and pulled my face so i would face him. His eyes were really pretty.
„Didnt you like what i've done with you yesterday?"
He said looking me up and down.
I said and pushed him away from myself. I wanted to leave but he grabbed my wrist, as always.
He pulled me back, i almost fell but he cought me. We were starring at eachother. Then he pulled me into a kiss. I wanted to push him away but i couldnt, my body wouldnt move i was like forzen when he touched me.

„I left pretty marks on you little Potter didnt i?"
He said with a smirk on his face.
I touched my neck, shit i totaly forgot about them. Hopefully George didnt see them.

I walked back inside but Malfoy wouldnt leave my side.
„Youre single now arent you?"
„no im not Malfoy."
„We are back together."
I said and looked up to his eyes, he had a dissapointed look on his face. I walked off and ket him standing there.

I walked back to our room and layed down on my bed. George came back. He layed next to me and we cuddled again.
„You smell good Bell, like mint. I like it. Is it a new parfume?"
George asked me. I immediatly got up and smelled my sweater. It really smelled like mint. Malfoy!
„Uh- thank you George, yes its a new- parfume? I got it from Hermione i think."
I was getiing relly nervous, and then i remembered the bruises on my neck, wrists and other bodyparts. I got up and walked out.

„Hey! Where are you going Bella?"
George shouted.
„I- i'll be right back wait here dont go anywhere!"
I said.

I went searching for Malfoy, he was sitting in the great hall with Blaise. I walked up to them and asked if i could talk with him alone for a minute, Malfoy send Blaise away and i sat next to him, i put on a hat because i didnt want anyone recognise me with him.

„What do you want little Potter? Cant get enaugh of me hm?"
He said. Again he made these stupid jokes.
„Why did you do this Malfoy?!"
„Did what Little Potter?"
„Dont act stupid! Why did you pull me into the room and...slept with me?"
„Fucked, i fucked with you. Because i think youre hot. Is that a problem?"
„Yes! Yes it is! I have a boyfriend!"
„But at that timw you didnt have one Bella. Think about that."
He said and left. He never had called me Bella. Never.

What was that supposed to mean?

I still loved George, i never stopped loving him. I thought that yesterday was George and not Malfoy.

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