Chapter 15

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The others finished with breakfast and some students were already going to their dorms.

„I gotta go love."
„Where Draco?"
„I- Snape. He needs my help."

Draco said and gave me a kiss on my cheek, then he left.
I dont know where to go. If i go to my dorm, George will be there, but i dont have any other choice.

I opend the door very slow to check if someone was in there.

„No. Its me."
„Oh. Hello Bella. Welcome back."
„Hey George."
„Why are you here?"
„What? Why shouldnt i? I live here too."

George didnt say anything, instead he rolled his eyes and read a book.

„George stop being so cold to me."
„Im not cold. Im hot."

I couldnt ceep it in me, he was just too funny. I started laughing and i saw that he tried not to smile. He turned around so i couldnt see him laugh a little. I walked up to him, still laughing a little, and he turned around again.

„George. Look at me please."

I said laughing. He turned around and looked at me.

I cant even explain how i felt in that moment. He was so fricking beautyful. His eyes are so fucking pretty i could get lost in them. He was slowly comming closer to me and without realising i went closer to him.

„Dont talk."

He whispered and kissed me.

So many thought crossed my mind but as soon he kissed me my mind was empty. My only thought was George, i want George, i always wanted him and no one else.

I knew deep down that he thinks that i'm a slut because i selpt with him and cheated on him with Draco. But in that moment he didnt seem to care about my behavior.

He kissed me even more and slowly pushed me back on the bed.

„Lets take these ugly clothes off of your beautyful body."

He said and took Draco's shirt off me.

Then he took off his own, then my skirt, then his pants, then...then...then...until we were completly naked. He started kissing down my body and roughly spread my legs so he could do his mouthwork down there.

I have to admit one thing. He is absolutely the best in this.

He went on and on. His tounge was so warm and felt so good on me. He was so fricking good that he almost made me finish this game, but he didnt. He stopped right before i was done, he got up to my face.

„If i hear any noice come from you, or if you try to take over. You will not be able to walk for a long time. And i mean what i say."
„Try me!"
„You know i could make you shake within 5 minutes."
„Are you sure about that?"
„Well. Lets find out."

He said and grabbed my neck so i would look at him, he spread my legs agressivly and looked me up and down one more time before he stuck his thing inside of me.

That hurt like a bitch. But at the same time it felt fantastic.
He was sliding it in and out very slow, he did that to tease me, it was torture.

„Do it already!"
„What did i say? No noice."

George said and grabbed my neck even harder, with his other hand he held on to the bed then he started doing it faster and went so deep that i couldnt breath for a moment. He went faster and harder, i just had to let out any noice or i will explode in the next second.

„George- oh god!"
„You want it harder- dont you."

He said and did it even faster, i was moaning so loud that he closed my mouth with his hand. I started screaming of pleasure but he didnt stop, he went even faster. I have had my orgasm already and it was so fricking hard for me to let him continue, it was getting painfull.

„Shut up!"

He said agressivly. That. Was. The. Hottest. Thing. Someone. Ever. Said. To. Me. Wow.

George still pounded into me like crazy. I was getting close to my second orgasm, as he hit my g spot over and over again, i had an second orgasm. The second one was very...wet. It went everywhere, George still didnt seem to care.

He pounded afew more seconds and then pushed it inside me so deep that i lost my breath again, i felt his cum shoot inside me and it really hurt a bit.

He took it out.

„God this was amazing."

I couldnt say anything because i was so exhausted.

„Omg Bella!"
„You- are you okey?"
„Yeah why?"
„You- you-"

He stutterd and looked down on me. I sat up on the bed and got scared for a moment.

„Bella you are bleeding!"
„I see it George."
„Did i hurt you this bad?!"
„No, you didnt hurt me at all George."
„Why are you bleeding then?!"
„I dont know."
„Did this happen before?"
„No. never."
„Bloody hell Bella. Im so bloody sorry."
„Its- its okey."

I was quite scared, did he broke me? I felt broken.

He helped me get to the bathroom and helped me clean myself. Then he left me in the bathroom to get dressed, he went and cleaned the bed, changed the bedsheeds and all that.
He came back to me and helped me walk over to the freshly cleaned bed.

„Why did you bleed?"
„I dont know."
„Did you start your period?"
„No, im pregnant George, i dont have periods anymore."
„Im so sorry Bella."
„Its fine George, im alright."
„Oh god."
„I think i know what it was Bella."

He looked at me very sad and scared.

„The baby."

I couldnt say anything to that. I was really scared that something happend to it.

„The baby...George the baby!"
„What should we do now!?"

I stood there and cried.

„Bella. Lets not panic now. Lets go to mrs. Pomme and ask if she could look again."
„You're right. Lets go!"

We went to the hospital wing together and asked mrs. Pomme if she could check if the baby was still there.
We had to wait there for a hour, it was the longest hour ever.

„Mrs. Potter, mr. Weasley."
„Mr. Weasley. You're the father right?"

Me and George looked at eachother, he didnt know what to say.

„Yes, yes he is."

I said. George looked proud and a little happy that i said that.

„Well, mrs. Potter, the results are here and-"

My hands were shaking, i was so scared. What if i lost the child? I cant kill something so tiny just because i was horny for George.

„You are still pregnant."

We were so releaved and happy about the test. George hugged me right after we left the hospital wing.

„Im so releaved that its still alive Bella."
„Me too George, me too."
„Can i ask you something?"
„Did you mean what you've said in there?"
„What exactly?"
„Do you think that i am the father?"
„I- i dont know what to think George, but it could be you, theres a 50% chance that its you."

He smiled softly and hugged me again. After that we went to our room and got ready for school.

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