Chapter 7

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As i said, me and George left Fred on the astronomy tower, all alone.

„George, Fred told me something very weird.."
„What did he say?"
„Well he said that you have everthing and he doesent, but i dint think thats true. Not to me mean but you were always the one atanding in the back, everyone is always looking at Fred and somehow kinda forgetting about you."
He naughted lightly.

We went to our room and waited there for Fred. We forgot the time as we talked and talked, so we ended up sitting there for houres. Fred still wasnt back.

I got worried and wanted to take George to the astronomy tower, maybe Fred was still there.

As soon as we got out of the gryffindor common room Harry aproached to us.
„There you are, did you two hear what happend to Fred?!"
He asked us worried.
„No Harry, what happend to him? Where even is he?"
George asked him.

„Look, George. It happend about 10 minutes ago, professor McGonagall came running into the castle, 'Fred! Fred Weasley is outside! Albus please come and help me!' She was yelling that throught the whole school! I was walking in the hallway, so i heard it. I dont know what really happend to Fred. But it didnt sound good. After k heard what McGonagall said i went looking for you George."
Harry said to us.

George immediatly ran to the hospital wing.


He yelled. Mrs. Pomme came up to him and told him that Fred neaded to rest, but George didnt care, he went up to his brother and went on his knees infront of his bed.

„Fred? Fred!"
You could hear and see how exausted Fred was. George started crying.
Fred had never looked so bad in his life. He had bruises all over his face, and his one arm and a leg were broken. But still he was smiling at his brother, or at me?

„Fred how do you feel?"
I asked him.
„Better now that i see you.."
He said smiling.

What? Did he mean George or me?

„What happend?"
George asked him.

Fred looked like he didnt want to anwser...but George made him anwser.

„I- i fell down. You two left and i leaned on the framework and that bloody thing broke, so i fell."
Fred said.

He looked pitying.

„George, could you leave us alone for a minute?"
I said. George left the room.

„Fred, what did you mean?"
„Well you said something to me before Harry came. What did you mean by that?"
„Oh that. Its- nithing just forget about it okey."
„No, tell me."
I insisted that he should tell me.

I finally broke him.

„Ugh. Okey, i just said that i was jealous of George, because he has a girlfriend, because he has you. And i dont."

I was quite angry at him, George was his shaddow and he didnt even care a bit.

„What do you mean jelaous? You dont really have a right to be jealous right now. George is your shadow, he feels like your shadow and no one even talks about him, hes unapreciated. And you? You have everything, everything Fred. Just because you dont have a girlfriend doesent mean-„

„But i dont want a girlfriend i want you!"
He cut me off.

I just looked at him and felt a tear rundown my face. Why was i crying? I dont know.
I just left the room without saying a word. As i walked out i could hear him say something, he was angry at himself and i think he even cried a little.

I felt kinda bad. First i didnt want to tell Georgr about it, but as i stepped in our room he saw that i was crying and i told him.

He was angry.

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