Chapter 2

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I fell asleep.
„Bell, wake up."
It was Fred.
„George told me you fell asleep, he didnt want o wake you because ‚you looked cute while sleeping' he said, me and Ron just laughted at him. Now come on soon we will have to go to the trainstation."
Fred said. I looked what while sleeping? I- that doesent matter now.
I got up and finished packing my stuff. Soon we went to the trainstation as Fred said.

We said our goodbyes to Molly and Arthur.
Fred pushee me into an empty compartment, i sat down and Fred pushed George next to me, he sat infornt of us.
Great, now i have to sit next to him for like 8 houres?. Thanks Fred.
George was acting weird, he was probably stimm ebaressed from earlier.

Fred stood up and went outside.
„I'll leave you two alone okey, i'll be right back."
He said and winked at George, he naughted back. What was going on here?

„Bell, im sorry about earlier. It was an accident."
„Its okey George that can happen."

He looked at me and rubbed the back of his neck. He really felt bad. But why, it wasnt a big deal.

„Atleast you now saw titties for the first time, am i right."
I say and laugh at him.
„Wow, thats what youre going to say Bell."
He said smiling.

We joked around for a little longer, Fred still wasnt back.

We had a fun time, even if he had seen my tits earlier.

„Yes George?"
„Do you ever feel like you like someone but you cant because the person wont like you back, and i dont mean just like, i mean like like?"
I looked at him concerned.
„Yeah, sometimes."
„How do you mean sometimes?"
„I dont know, its just- wait, do you have a crush on someone?!"
I said laughing at him.

Actually i hate it when he has a crush on someone, because them im not the only girl in his life anymore. I sound jealous i know but i cant do anything against it.

„Who is it this time? Tell me about her!"
I yelled, all hyped.

„She has beautyful brown hair, pretty brown eyes and a bloody brilliant personality, and a great body of course."

Wow, she really sounds perfect.

„Well who is it?!"
I yelled again.

„I cant tell you! You wont be okey with it!"
„Yes iw ill! Tell mee! Does Fred know?"
„Yes, Fred knows."
„Well, then im going to ask Fred then."
I said and stold up to walk out. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down, i tripped over his foot and fell on his lap.

I wan now on my knees infront of his...well, you know.
I looked up to his face. He pretty much starred at me.

Exactly on that moment Fred came back.

„Woah, what are you two trying to do? Getting all nasty in here are we?"
Fred laughed.

I imeediatly got uo and sat back next to George. We couldnt look at eachother.
Why did Fred had to say that. I didnt even wanna know anymore who Georges crush was.

„Well, if you want to continue doing what you were doing, i'll leave again."
Fred said smiling at us.
„Shit up Fred, we wouldnt do that, not here and not together. Not with her."
George anwsered rough. Fred just looked at him with wide open eyes and didnt say anything afterwards.

These words hurted me, not that i wanted to do...that, no, just that he said ‚not together, not with her.'.

Fred said.
„Fred shut up, why would i want to do that? I would mever! I would never with him"
I said. I did that on purpouse, so he would be hurt tho. I dont know why i was acting like that.

George Weasley [🌶spicy🌶]Where stories live. Discover now