Chapter 20

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We were walking to our dorm, i was nervous because of what George had said to me while dinner.

„Im going to sleep guys."

Fred said.

„Me too."

I said. I layed won in my bed, hoping i escaped Georges freaky little ideas. Wrong.

We shut the lights, i thought George went to sleep too. Wrong.

He layed down in my bed and hugged me from behing. He touched down my body until he was at my ass. He slowly slid off my pyjamas.

„Are you okey with this?"

He whispered in my ear.


I anwsered.

He made me lay down on my back, then he touched my panties and carefully took them off. I spread my legs for him.

„Good girl."

He whispered, then he gently touched my lips, and softly rubbed my clit. I was already breathing heavily, maybe it was because of the pleasure or maybe because of the fear that Fred could wake up every second.

It was pitch dark in the room.

George touched around my entrance.

„Love you're already soaking wet. Do you need me that bad?"

He teased. He pushed one finger inside and then two. He did it so slow i coul've killed myself right then and there. He was such a big tease.

„Stop teasing me already George."
„You want me bad. Say it."
„I want you to ruin me, even if Fred is right across the room."
„Thats what i wanted to hear."

We whispered.

He quickly got on top of me and took off his sweatpants, then his underwear. I spread my legs so he could get inside of me.

Again, he pounded so slow it was painfull.

„You want me to go faster?"

I said. He did what i asked for.

He went faster and deeper inside. He hit my G spot over and over again, it was so hard not to make noice.
He went harder. It was even harder to keep quite.

„Shh, be quite darling."

George said and closed my mouth with his hand.

I wanted to moan so bad, it was really painfull. My legs started shaking like crazy and i just had to make a noice, so i did.
George pressed his hand harder so i would shut up. Then i felt his cum inside of me. He threw himself down next to me and we both were breathing heavily.

„Lets go to sleep now darling."
„Yes please. Im exhausted."

We went sleeping.

The next day we went down for breakfast, Fred didnt say anything to last night that means he didnt hear anything.

We sat down, i sat inbetween them again.

I looked over to the Slytherin table, Draco was still missing, i got quite worried.
I decided that i would go talk to Blaise Zabini after breakfast and ask him where Draco was.

„Hey Zabini!"

I said, i saw him in the corridors after breakfast. I actually followed him.

„Potter, what do you want?"
„Do you maybe know where Draco is?"
„I havent seen him since yesterday, he went crying to his room and didnt come oit since."
„Could you maybe bring me to him?"
„I dont know if the other Sylterins would like if i bring you there, you know what i mean?"
„Oh, okey."
„Dont get me wrong, i'd love to help you but i cant. I'll tell Draco that you wanted to see him."

George Weasley [🌶spicy🌶]Where stories live. Discover now