Chapter 14

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He pulled his thing out and layed down next to me.

„If you ever do that to me again. I will destroy you even more."
„Oh shut up Draco, i know you liked it."
„Ofcourse i did the first time, but nor the second time Bella, ot was painfull."
„Awww, painfull? You poor thing. You literaly just fucked the living shit out of me Draco and you say what i did to you was painfull?"
„Does that mean that i've hurt you?"
„No, i mean yes but no. Both of it."
„Why didnt you tell me to stop?"
„Because i didnt want you to stop."

After our conversation we went showering, then he gave me some of his clothes and we cuddled in his bed until we fell asleep.

The next morning we went down for breakfast. I dont know how to do that, how am i going to sit there? With Fred and George, they probably told Harry about it. God im so screwed.


Harry said through the whole great hall, everybody looked at me and Draco. Draco went to the Slytherin table and i went to the Gryffindor table. I sat down next to Harry and Ron.

„Morning Bella."
„Morning Ron."
„What are you wearing siaterheart?"
„Clothes. Why?"
who's clothes are you wearing?"
„Bloody hell Bella, you did not shad with Malfoy didnt you?!"
„No Ron, she would never. Right Bella?"
„Harry, its obvious. She's your sister i know but its obvious that she and Mafloy did it."
„No Ron. I dont think so. Tell him that im right Bella."
„Why would she wear his clothes then?"
„Maybe they had a sleepover together!?"
„Sleepover? Harry you're so dumb sometimes."
„Both of you shut up. Yes, me and Draco did something. Happy now?"
„Bella no.."
„I knew it!"
„Ron! My sister has something with MALFOY!"
„Ehh, Harry im right here, you can yell at me if you want to. I fucked Draco, not Ron."
„You're not funny Bella. You know he hates me and you- you do that with him?"
„I could ask him to stop being mean to you and your friends."
„As if that would help."
„Ofcourse it will brother."
„Brother. I have a brother!"
„Ron you have 5 of them. We know."
„No Bella you dont understand. George, you are together with him arent you?"
„I dont think so, no."
„But you were, so that means that- no."
„Ron dont think that, i would never!"
„What Bella? What does he mean?"
„Harry you're really dumb sometimes."
„I mean that she cheated on my brother."
„You guys. I didnt!"

We argued the whole time while waiting for breakfast to begin.
We didnt even notice that Fred and George were comming to the table.

„I did not cheat on anyone Ron!"
„Yes you did."

We turned around to see George behind us walking to his seat. He gave me the dirtiest look ever and i immediatly regretted what i've done th noght before.

„You see! You did!"
„Ron. Stop. I dont care if she did. I never loved her anyways."

George said. My heart dropped as i heard those words, i couldnt move anymore, my chest hurted because of thise words, i think- i think he broke my heart.

„Hey! Watch your mouth George. I know she maybe mistreated you but you dont need to be this rude."
„Harry dont talk to my brother like that."
„Ron its okey. I was just saying the truth and he isnt okey with that. I understand him."

I didnt even listen anymore at this point. All i thought about was why i slept with Draco in that stupid classroom and why i did it yesterday again. Why. Why. Why.
I looked over to the Slytherin table and saw that Draco was starring over here, i was angry at George for saying what he had just said, so i wanted to say something back. Something that will defentily hurt him.


They looked at me.

„You never loved me huh?"
„I didnt, no."
„Well. I've always loved someone else."
„Wh- what?"

They looked at me confused and George looked heartbroked. I didnt care in that moment, i got up and walked over to the Slytherin table. Draco apparently knew what i was up to, he stood up. I walked up to him and glanced over to the Gryffindor table to see if thes were really looking. Actually everyone was looking, all the students were looking, but i dont care, all i want is to hurt George.

I looked back up to Draco and kissed him, infornt of the whole school. Some of the students were cheering and some were smiling and yelling our names.
Only the Gryffindor table was quite.

I smiled at Draco and went back to my seat. I sat down and nobody said anything to me. Exept Harry.

„Are you insane!?"
„You just kissed Mafloy infornt of the whole school!"
„And? I love him."

After i said this sentence i saw how George's face changed into anger, deep downi felt bad but i had no reason to feel bad.

„In love? Yeah ofcourse."
„Yes i am."
„Bella. You made a fool of yourself."
„Why that?"
„People will call you names Bella, they'll treat you bad."
„What names?"
„You know which ones."
„Do you think i am those names ?"
„No Bella you dont understand my point."

I was annoyed by him. My own brother called me those names. Wow.
I walked out the great hall and went somewhere just to sit down. Appariently Draco had followed me because i heardsomeone shout ‚they're going to shag' in the grat hall.

„Draco? What are you doing here?"
„I was looking for you. What happend?"

He sat down next to me and i told him why i had kissed him. He hugged me and we sat there together.

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