Chapter 3

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We finally arrived.

I got out of the compartment as fast as i could, took my nags and just walked on my own.

Fred came up to me.
„Hey Bell, whats wrong? You know that i didnt mean what i said. It was a joke."
„I know Fred, its not what you said, its about what George said."
He layed an arm around me.
„So, did you know, did you want-"
„EW Fred shut up! No! I would never!"
I yelled at him. He bursted out laughing, everyone tured around and looked at us.
I saw George starring at us too, he looked mad.

I went to my room, to our room.
Yes, i share a room with the twins at Hogwarts. Because there was no room for me in the girls dorms anymore, so i had to go away. That was in 1st grade. Its hard to share a room with them.

Fred and me started unpacking our stuff, George still wasnt here.

„Fred, do you know where George is?"
„No, i dont."
He anwsered.

„Can i ask you another question?"
„Sure Bell, anything."
„Do you know who George is crushing on?"
„Yeah i do."
„Could you tell me?"
„I dont think i should, i think you wont like it."
„Please tell me, im his bestfriend, i would know sooner or later."
„Okey, its-„

„Whats going on here?"
Exactly in that moment George came inside.

„Nothing George."
I said.

„Well it was something."
Fred said. I gave him a look, the ‚shut up' look. But he didnt.
„She asked me who your crush is. Would you like to tell her or should i ?"
Fred said to his brother.

„She wont find out Fred."
„Wow, thank you?"
I looked at him confused wile saying that.
„Just cause youre my bestfriend, you dont have to know everything."
He was acting very mean.
„Fine, okey."
I said to him and walked ot the room. I could hear how Fred told him ‚great, now shes gone. Just tell her man, she will understand, shes old enough.'

WHO was she? And why did he make it such a secret...

I went down to the great hall for dinner, i saw Harry. Thank god.

I yelled. I sat next between him and Ron. I usually sit between the twins, but i was pissed at them.
„Why do you sit here Bella?"
Ron asked me.
„Cant i?"
„No no, of course you can, i was just wondering. You usually always sit between my brithers."
„Im just pissed at them."
Harry joined the conversation.
„Because George has a crush on some girl, and he wont tell me. Fred almost did, but George stopped him."
„And why are you pissed at Fred?"
Harry asked.
„Well, actually im not. Only at George,"
I told them what happend in the train, Ron laughed so loud, all the Slytheriny were looking over to us, Harry just looked at me and blew air out of his nose. Typical Harry, cant take a sexuall joke.

Fred and George entered the grat hall. They sat opposite of us. George just glanced at me. Then looked away.

„Why are you witting there Bell? Are you pissed at us?"
Fred asked me.
„No, just at one of you."
I said and looked at George, but he didnt give a single f*ck.

We started eating, George didnt even look at the food. Ron however, almost couldnt brathe of how much he was eating.
„George. Arent you hungry?"
I asked him, i tried to be nice to him.
„What do you care."
He said. I had enough of him, i stood up and walked away, i went up to our room and layed down on my bed.
I started crying. Why was i crying? I never cry because of the twins.

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