Chapter 5

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Already 5 months had passed, time flys by so fast.

Today its our 5th month annyversary. George told me he will make it extra speciall. Fred would sleep over ar Oliver Woods dorm, so we could be alone.

I couldnt wate till night.

The whole day i was so nervous.

George told me to wait at Harrys room, he would come and pick me up at 8 o'clock, he wanted it to be like a real muggle date.
It was 8.
Someone knocked on the door, Harry went and opend it.
George was standing there with flowers and little fireworks were sparkling all over the flowers. He was wearing his beautyfull purple shirt, i love when he weras it. He asked Harry where i was and if i could come with him.
I came around the corner and George couldnt ceep his eyes off me.
I was wearing a red tight dress, my hair was open and straight, i had some makeup on and red hight heels.
He took my hand and we went to our room.

Everywhere were candles, little fireworks and flowers, it was perfekt. George even made us a chocolate fondue.
After eating he put on some music, he took my hand and wanted to dance with me.

While dancing i couldnt ceep my eyes off him, he had such beautyfull eyes.
I loved how he starred down at me.

After the song finished he leaned down to me and kissed me.

(Here we go, its getting spicy🌶)

Then he picked me up and threw me on the bed. Hs started unbuttoning his shirt while still kissing me.
He was so hot. His light abs were showing and it was like a dream.
He took my dress off, now i was laying infront of him in just my underwear.
He took off his pants and kissed me again, he was kissing my neck and touching me everywhere.

„Do you really want this?"
He whispered in my ear.
„Yes. I do."

He took off my bra and threw it on the cold floor.
He started kissing down my body, down...down...till my...well, yes.
He took them off and did his mouthwork. He was so gentle with it. His tounge was so soft and wet to feel.
His fingers fere so soft and rough at the same time.
Then he got on top of me.
He stuck it inside.
It was like a needle. It hurted and felt good at the same time.
He deffenitly knew what he was doing.
I could hear him whisper stuff into my ears.
Do you like this."
oh i know you love it."
„I wanna hear you scream my name."
It was so hot. I really was screaming his name. 9 inches are not small-
His soft, big hands were everywhere over my body, he left alot of hickeys all over my body, you could see them on my inner thies, hands, neck and upper breast, theyre everywhere. My legs were literally shaking.

It was such a nice annyversary. We cuddled for the rest of the night.

It was 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, i heard someone comming in the room.
It was Fred, what is he doing here?

„Bell, youre awake? What, why are you naked- omg."
He looked so embaressed.
„What are you doing here Fred?"
„Nothing, i waa just- i- i dont know. I'll just go back. Goodnight."
He walked out. What was that? I was too tired to think about that right now, so i went back sleeping.

George Weasley [🌶spicy🌶]Where stories live. Discover now