Chapter 26

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11 years after the birth of the baby:

Bellas pov:

My son, Hardwin, turned 11, afew days ago. He got his Hogwarts letter.

George an i married when Hardwin was only 1 year old, now my full name is Bella Weasley.

George and i had another son 2 years after our marriage. His name is Septimus currently he is 8 years old, Fred is his godfather and Harry is Hardwins. (Fred never died in my story!)

Why my kids have such names? Well my ancestors name was Hardwin and as i said almost 12 years ago, i want an unique name for my child.

Septimus is the name of Georges grandfather.

Tomorrow we'll have to bring Hardwin to the platform 9 3/4.

the next day:

The whole Weasley family got ready to leave to go to platform 9 3/4. Harry was very proud of his nephew.

While we were standing there and waiting for the train to leave i felt someone looking at me, i looked around and saw a man staring at me. He looked familiar, he had blonde har and a he was wearing a black suit...wait. Is that-


I say ang go up to him, i was carefull so no one would notice me but George did.

"Draco is it you?"

I ask, he looks at me and smiles softly. I go up to him and hug him, no one could see us because we were hidden behind the wall.

Little did i know George saw everything.

"I havent seen you in years."
"You still look the same as the last time we saw eachother."

Draco said.

"I see you have a gingerheaded son."
"Yes, his name is Septimus, but he isnt yours."
"And my son? Whats his name?"
"We decided to name him Hardwin, like my oldest ancestor."
"Which one of these kids is he?"

Draco asked.

"Is he that hard to find? Its the only one with platinum blonde hair."

I say.

Yes, my son has the hair of his real father.

"He has my hair?"
"Yes, but he has my eyes. I hope that he'll be as beautiful as you later."
"His chances are high because his mother is even more beutiful."

He said, i felt the tention between us go higher, i felt our faces get closer.

"Here you are! I was already looking for you."

Someone says. I turned around, its George.

"George, yes sorry. I saw Draco here and i wanted to say hello."
"Okay i see you already did that, now come, our son in about to leave."

George says and lookes at Draco.

I turn back to Draco and i give him a hug.

"Goodbye Draco."

I say and leave with George.

"What the hell was that?"

George askes angrily.

"Nothing George i just wanted to say hello to an old friend."
"Old friend? You havents talked for almost 12 years Bella. Stop lying to me. Why should he be here, he doesnt have any children and i dont belive that he wants to go back to Hogwarts. Theres only one anwser for this, you told him."
"I didnt do anything."
"You told him that he is the father a long time ago Bella i know, i think i always did."

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