Chapter 21

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Bella pov:
He has some real issues. I feel sorry for him.

He finished eating and i brought him to the Slytherin common room.

„Thank you."

I said and left.

„Wait Bella."
„Yes Draco?"
„I- im sorry."
„For what exactly?"
„For everything."

He got closer to me.

„Its okey Draco."
„No its not."
„Yes it is."

He got closer.

„I really have to go now."
„Just one more thing.."

He said and kissed me.

After that i went to my dorm.
George and Fred were alread here.

„Hey guys."
„Hey Bella."
„Hello George."

He ignored me.

„George? Hello?"

He still ignored me.
What did i do now.?

„George is something wrong?"
„I saw you."

What did he mean by ‚i saw you' ? What was going on?

„My time to leave."

Fred said and left.

„George whats wrong what did you see?"
„I saw you and Malfoy."
„In the great hall...and i followed you to the Slytherin common room."

I knew exactly what he meant.

„You cheated on me. Again!"
„It was just a kiss George. He kissed me i swear."
„You should've pushed him away then! You cant use that as an excuse now, you let it happen. He just started it."
„Are you saying that ot was my fault?"

He nodded.

„Wow. Thanks."
„Now you're acting like im the villian again. God you're so annoying. Pick one Bella! You cant ülay with my feeling like this anymore."
„George i already chose you."
„Then act like it."

He said and wanted to leave, but i stopped him. I cant let him go now, i love him...maybe even more than Draco.

„George. Wait! Dont go please."

He turned around and looked at me from across the room.

We looked at eachother for afew seconds before he came up to me and kissed me. He pushed me against the wall, agressivly.

I slowly pushed him back, i pushed him on the bed and opend his pants. I got down on my knees and took his pants and underwear off. He was already hard.

I looked up ar him again then back at his thing. I took it in my mouth and slowly pushed it deeper and deeper. It was fucking hard to take all of it.

I bounced my head up and down. It felt like it went deeper every time.
I heard him groan and call my name.

At one point he even put his hand on my head.

‚if he pushes my head down i'll choke on it.'
I thought.

Eventually he did. He softly pushed my head down, i was gagging a little bit and he had to comment on that.

„Thats right, choke on me."

He said and groaned.

He pushed my head further down, so i would take it all inside and he held me like that for his own pleasure.
Only afew seconds later he came inside of my mouth, he made me swallow ofcourse.

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