Chapter 17

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‚You cant make me choose between you and him!'
‚Why? You cant just continue fucking both of us.'
‚Draco i-'
‚You would choose him.'
‚Dont say that.'
‚Admit it! Admit it Bella!'
„I would! Okey. I would choose him, always, it will always be George."
„I knew it. Be happy with him and his child."

I woke up.
Thank god it was just a dream. But...who was i talking to? It was just black and i surely talked to someone...but who?

„Bella? Are you alright?"
„Are you alright love?"
„Oh, yeah, i guess so."
„Bad dream?"
„...kind off a bad dream, more confusing."
„What was it about?"

I cant tell him, he would get worried.

„Nothing important. Lets go down for breakfast George."
„Alright. Fred you comming with us?"
„No, i'll stay in bed."
„Okey see you later."
„Bye Fred!"
„Bye Bella."

Fred was not a morning person.
George and i went down to the great hall together, many students were already there, including Draco. He saw us and walked up to me.

„George, wait for me at the table okey."

George went to sit down, Ron and Harry were there too.

„What do you want Draco?"
„Already so mean?

I looked at him annoyed.

„Okey okey, i wanted to talk to you."
„Then talk."
„Well...not really talk."

He kissed me. Infront of everyone who was in the great hall.

I pulled away and i looked over to the Gryffindor table, George didnt seem like he saw it, neither did Ron but Harry deffinitly did. He stood up and walked up to me, he shook his head, grabbed my arm and pulled me out the great hall.

„Harry- ow your hurting me-"
„Shut up."
„Whats wrong with you!?"

I yelled at him, he stopped walking and turned around to me.

„Are you going crazy?"
„Why that?"
„You kissed Malfoy infront of George! Again! Dont you learn of your mistakes!?"
„Wait a second. Draco kissed me! I didnt want it! Wouldnt be the first time he did it without permission."

Harry looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

„What what? You heard me. He kissed me-"
„Not that!"
„What did you say after that?"
„That its not the first time-"
„He did something without your permission. Right."

I looked at him confused and he looked at me angry. I didnt know what he meant. We stood there afew seconds until i realised it..

„No Harry."
„Did he?"
„No! He would never hurt me!"
„Are you so sure about that?"

I said and looked away. I thought about the day before, i thought about what had happend in that classroom. But that wasnt what Harry meant with hurting me. Draco would never hurt me, im sure about that.

„Look at me and say that again."
„Harry stop this is ridiculous."
„Then say it again."

I looked at him.

„He didnt touch me Harry."
„Say it again."
„What do you want m to say?!"
„That he didnt do it."
„You know what."

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