Chapter 18 -Maddie & Luke-

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-Maddie's P.O.V-

"I'm glad you guys could make it, I wasn't sure that you didn't have anything planned" Nikki said. She had called Luke and I in for a meeting, something to do with our relationship.

"It's fine"

"So, I was talking to your publicists and we've decided it's been long enough" Luke and I exchanged a worried look.

"What's been long enough?" I asked, not wanting to know.

"Your relationship. I have to say you were very good actors"

"Nikki, in case you havent realised, we're actually together now"

"Oh, you'll have to break up then, to gain more publicity. This was the plan. Now that no ones talking about you two we need to do something again and this is it"

"But it's going to look suspicous. The fans have seen how close we are and how much we love each other. They all know. We post tweets and photos all the time"

"You two aren't together anymore, end of" She said before getting up and walking out of the room. I turned to look at Luke.

"So, is this it?"

"No" He said abruptly. "I can't not be with you, Maddie"

"I know, Luke, I know. I need you, you've helped me so much over the last few months"

"Why don't we keep it our little secret?"

"You think that'll work?"

"We can try"

"We can try" I repeated and he smiled, hugging me.


"I haven't been here for a while" Luke said, looking out the car window at the house in front of him. I sighed, not wanting to be left alone at my house.

"You get to spend time with the band now though"

"I guess. I haven't seen them in a while" He paused. "I'm gonna go now, I just saw Ash at the window"


"I love you"

"I love you too"

"See you soon"

'Bye" I said, quickly pecking his lips before he got of the car and grabbed his two bags we had got from my house on the way. He walked up to the front door and did a small wave before going inside as I pulled away. This day went from bad to worse.

-Luke's P.O.V-

"Luke? What are you doing here? I thought you were staying at Maddie's until we left L.A" Calum said as I walked into the living room where they were all sat.

"So did I" I replied, sitting down next to Ashton.

"Has something happened between you two?"

"I guess"

"What? You can tell us, Luke" I sighed, not wanting to talk about it.

"We had a meeting this morning with Nikki, about our relationship and she said that it had been long enough and we had to 'break up'" I told them, putting air quotes around "break up".

"And when you told her you were actually together she said" Ashton urged on.

"We have to break up to gain publicity. She said you're not together anymore end of"

"Oh" Michael said.

"So what are you going to do about it?"

"We're staying together, it's not going to be easy but we're gonna try"

"We're leaving in two weeks anyway"

"That makes it worse" I whispered to myself before picking up my bags and going up to my room. When I got up to my room I saw the black photo frame sat on the desk. I smiled, picking it up. I remember the days we took them like they were yesterday. Maddie had put all of the photos together for me except a couple that I put in myself. She gave it to me Valentine's Day. I smiled at the picture of us at my brother's wedding my mum took. It was my favourite picture of us I had. There were others from our various walks on the left hand side as well. I smiled, running my thumb across the image of Maddie I had put in. It was my favourite picyure of her. She didn't even realise I took it. I put the frame back down and sighed, sitting down on the bed. I hated this.


Maddie's P.O.V

I stood looking at the photos hung perfectly on the wall. They were pretty much the same as the ones I had given to Luke before. My favourite was obviously the wedding day photo. I hate Nikki so much right now. I can tell this whole secret dating thing won't work out and I know Luke knows too but what else are we meant to do? I sat down at my desk, moving my vision to the photo on the desk in front of me. It was of Luke's family plus me. I smiled before going over to my bed. I hated this.

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