Chapter 2 -Maddie-

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"Luke? You know we don't have to go through with this if you don't want to" I started but was cut off.

"I don't mind but I was wondering if you wanted to do something today, you know, to get to know each other better"

"Um, yeah, sounds good. Do you want to come over mine?"

"If you're alright with that"

"Yeah, sure. Come over around 6 tonight and we'll order some pizza or something"

"Ok, see you then"

"I'll text you the address" I hung up after saying goodbye and went upstairs to get changed and ready for the day.


Just before it turned 6 I heard the doorbell signalling either Luke or the pizza guy was here. I opened the door and saw Luke stood there holding a pizza box.


"Hi, sorry I look a mess. I got back from dance like 15 minutes ago"

"You look beaut- fine" Luke said quickly.

"You brought pizza?"

"No, the pizza guy got here the same time as me so I paid him"

"I'll give you the money"

"It's fine, I'm going to eat half of it anyway"


"No buts" He said, putting a finger on my lips. I moved out of the way and let him in. He stood in the hallway taking in the foyer. I took the pizza from his hands and led him into the kitchen.

"Your house is amazing"

"Thank you. Take as much pizza as you want"

"Where's your sister?"

"She's at one of her friend's houses tonight"


"Do you play FIFA?" I asked Luke. We hadn't really spoke much and it was getting awkward. We were going to be fake dating and we could barely hold a conversation.

"Of course, why?"

"I just thought we could play it"

"You play FIFA?" He asked, emphasising the 'you'.

"Yes and I'm extremely good at it"

"Oh really?"


"Prove it"

"I'm planning on it"


"Bitch please" I said, dropping the controller onto the chair as I stood up.

"What? I never lose using that tactic. Michael can't even beat me"

"Some people are just too good"

"Some people are getting cocky"

"You're just annoyed I won"

"What's the time?" He asked.

"Uh, around 8:30, why?"

"I'm meant to be back by 9, we've got rehearsals tomorrow for our forum shows"

"That's just down the road from here"

"Wait, this is Inglewood? It looks different"

"Not everyone lives in gated houses here"

"Why do you live here? Surely you could afford somewhere better" I know he didn't mean to be offensive but it kind of sounded that way.

"I can, but this is my home. I'm Latino, I was born and raised in Inglewood" He nodded and smiled. "What's up with you, Hemmings?"

"I like how you stand up for what you believe in, this case being your culture" I smiled and stood up.

"Do you want me to drive you home then?"

"No, I can walk back it's no big deal"

"I'll drive you. Inglewood's not exactly the safest place at night" I winked at him and he laughed, following me outside and to my black Range Rover.


"Thanks for tonight. I had fun"

"Same here"

"So, I'll text you, yeah?" I nodded and he smiled. He leaned over the arm rest and pressed a kiss to my cheek before getting out of the car and walking into the house they were staying at.


I got home and went to watch TV with my brother, Tom, who had come home in the 20 minutes I'd been gone.

"So, who's this guy then?"

"Luke Hemmings, from 5 seconds of summer"

"And why was he here?"

"Because we're fake dating and we needed to get to know each other better"

"And did you?"

"Not really. I did find out he's shit at FIFA though" Tom laughed and ate some of his popcorn. Tom and I had a close relationship. He was 17 and I was 19 and moved in with me when he was 15. He was fed of our mum ruling his life. She wasn't happy about it but then again she wasn't happy that I moved out when I was 17 either.

"Have you started dating yet then or not?"

"Not yet"

"I bet you guys end up together for real"

"As if. That will never happen" I told him, shaking my head and changing the channel.

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