Chapter 10 -Maddie-

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"Luke? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to get you. We're going out"


"You'll see"

"Our place?" I asked, recognising the road that led to it. Luke wanted to drive to keep it a surprise.

"Our place"

"Did I tell you how much I love it here?"


"Well, I just really like it here. It really makes LA look beautiful"

"I know, that's what I brought you here the first time"

"So, why'd we come back?"

"Now that is for me to know and you to find out"

"OK, Hemmings"

"Just trust me on this one"


"Luke?" I asked, looking up at Luke, making him stop playing with my hair.


"Thank you"

"For what?"

"Being there for me. I don't really trust people after what happened with my sister. It made me realise who my true friends were"

"It's OK. You know, you never told me what happened with her"

"The media pretty much said it all. It was just so much to deal with and it really effected all of us. But I've never been closer to Alex so I guess it was a good thing in a weird way"

"You're the closest sisters I've ever seen"

"We actually won the best sisters award this year. I can't remember what website it was. Probably Sugarscape of something" He let out a slight chuckle and I smiled before looking back over the city.


"Luke, please, just tell me why we're here"

"Do I have to have a reason to take my beautiful girlfriend out?"

"Technically not your girlfriend"

"Do you want to be?"

"Is that your way of asking?"

"No, this is"

"What are you on about?" He ignored my question.

"From the moment you walked into the meeting, I knew that something good was going to happen. In my eyes you were perfect. I like how your smile lights up the room. I like how you find the funny side in anything. I like that you're interested in everything I have to say. I like how you can be the biggest bitch I know when you want to be, but I wouldn't want you any other way. But most importantly, I like you"

"I like you too, Luke"

"So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, will you be my princess?"

"As long as you're the prince" I replied. He nodded, smiling and leaned down, connecting our lips. He pulled away after only a few seconds.

"And I got you something"

"What? No, Luke" I whined.

"What? I'm just trying to be a good boyfriend"

"I know but it makes me feel bad" I watched as he walked over to the car and got a bag out before walking back to me. I sat on the ground and he joined me.

"For you, princess" He gave me the bag which I noticed was Pandora. I untied the pink ribbon and put it on Luke's lap. I then took out the two boxes from the bag and placed them beside me. I opened the first revealing a plain silver ring. The next one was silver again and had a heart with a silver gem in it.

"Luke, I can't take these"

"Yes, you can" He said, slipping each one onto the same finger, stacking them.

"But, they must of cost you so much"

"That doesn't matter princess. Please, just take them"

"Thank you. I really do love them" I said, kissing his cheek then smiling as I looked at the rings. ."How did you know my size?"

"I asked your sister and she knew"

"Thank you again. I feel bad because I never get you anything and you always pay"

"Don't. You give me happiness and that's all I could ask from you"

"I like you, Luke"

"I like you too, princess"

Princess. -Luke Hemmings-Where stories live. Discover now