Chapter 8 -Luke-

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I walked towards the back door of the venue. It was only a small building but the event wasn't overly big either. When I got to the door I stopped, looking at the security guard stood outside.


"Luke Hemmings"

"Here to see Madison I take it?" He asked.

"How did you know?" I questioned, there was never that much information on the clipboards.

"I recognise her handwriting. She performs here a lot" He showed me the clipboard and I saw my name written at the bottom and a smiley face with heart eyes next to it. I smiled and thanked the guard as he opened the door. "Her dressing room's down the hall on the right. You'll see it" I walked down the corridor until I heard her laugh. I turned and saw her back was facing me and she was talking to three other girls. I knocked on the already open door and watched as she turned around, her hair going in the same direction and falling over her shoulder.

"Hey" I said as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I didn't know if you were coming backstage or not"

"Well, I wanted to wish you luck"

"Thanks" She said, kissing me. She pulled away and turned around to face the other people. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder. "Guys, this is Luke. Luke, this is the rest of the girls from the group. This is Jess and Emma and that's Roxanna, my cousin"

"Call me Rocsi. It's nice to meet you Luke, Maddie's said a lot about you"

"Has she now?"

"Maybe" I kissed her cheek and then sat down in the unoccupied chair.

"So, this is a competition, right?"


"And you're going to win, right?"

"Well, we won nationals last year and this is only state. So, I'd like to think we've got a pretty good chance"

"Good luck, I better go to my seat"

"You're sat with Becky and Alex. Here" She said, giving me the ticket.

"Smash it out there" I told her before hugging her and walking towards the main seating.

"Hey, Luke" Alex said to me as I sat down on the end next to her.


"Hi, I'm Becky" The girl next to Alex said.

"Luke, nice to meet you"

"You too. For a fake boyfriend, all Maddie talks about is you" I smiled, before turning to face the stage as the lights dimmed.


"And the winners, going onto stage one of the nationals, are Reloaded" I smiled as Maddie jumped up and hugged Rocsi who was stood to her left.


"Congrats!" I told Maddie as I walked towards her whole group in the corridor.

"Thanks" She said, wrapping her arms around my neck and jumping up so her legs were around my waist.

"You were brilliant out there. I'd really, really like that private show now" I told her, placing my hand on her arm.

"Don't push your luck, Hemmings"

"Trust me, I won't"


"You did so well today" I told Maddie as we sat in a diner eating burgers.

"So you've said about a hundred times, Luke"

"But you did a back flip. You never told me you could do that"

"Maybe that could be a part of the private show"

"So, that's going to happen?"

"We'll see" She said with a wink, leaning back in her seat.


"So, you want to stay the night again?" Maddie asked.

"Sure" We walked up her stairs and into her room.

"Do you want to watch this?" She asked, holding up the 'How I Met Your Mother' box set.

"Is that a serious question?"

"I'll take that as a yes then" She then went into the bathroom to get changed. She came out wearing very short pyjama shorts and a tank top. To be honest her whole outfit was pretty hot. I stripped down to just my boxers and walked over to her bed, laying on top of it. I watched as Maddie copied my actions, laying next to me with her head on my shoulder. She turned the TV on and we started watching season one. Halfway through the show I leaned down and kissed her forehead. Maddie turned and looked up at me, pecking my lips. I leaned down again and reconnected our lips. The kiss was much longer and intimate now. I felt Maddie straddle my legs whilst I deepened the kiss, licking her lip as she opened her mouth. This was the furthest we'd ever gone. I moaned as she grinded against me. My hands moved over her sides, pushing her top up and over and her head, leaving her in her bra and shorts. Eventually, we pulled away, gasping for air.

"Wow, that was"

"Amazing?" I finished and she nodded. She fell back onto the bed and then lifted the cover, climbing under and me following. She switched off the TV and light before resting her head on my chest.

"Sleep tight Princess"

"You too, Luke. You too"

Princess. -Luke Hemmings-Where stories live. Discover now