Chapter 25 -Luke-

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"Maddie, you ready?" I asked as I looked into my bedroom.

"Just about"

"Good, because we're leaving in five minutes" It was 4 in the afternoon and we were going to the beach for our barbeque. I watched as Maddie shoved some money and her phone into the back pockets of her shorts. She quickly brushed her hair before letting it drape over her back as she turned around and walked towards the door and me.

"OK, lets go" We walked downstairs to see Ben, Jack, Celeste, mum and dad all putting their shoes on.

"You guys good?" We nodded and then went to get into the cars. "Jack, take Celeste, Maddie and Luke. Ben you can come with us" We nodded again and got into the seperate cars.

"So, Maddie, how long are you here for?" Celeste asked.

"Not sure, as long as I'm wanted I guess"

"Just leave when I do" I told her.

"That's like two months. I have to go back to work at some point before Alex kills me"

"She wouldn't, she loves you"

"I know" She dramatically flipped her hair over her shoulder and I laughed.

"You guys are disgustingly cute" Jack said, looking at us through the mirror.

"It's not disgusting, it's cute"

"Says the couple who've been together for like eight years"

"You've been together for eight years?" Maddie exclaimed.

"Yeah, Lucas over here was about 13 when we first got together" Jack told her. I groaned as Celeste passed Maddie her phone, showing a photo of when I was 13/14 on a holiday with Jack, Ben, Celeste, Mum and Dad. I noticed we had arrived at the beach and quickly got out the car to save myself from seeing any of the other images Celeste had.

"You were so cute" Maddie said as we started to walk down the steps to the beach.

"And chubby" She stopped, pulled me to the side and placed her hands on my chest.

"You- No. How dare you even say that?"

"But I was"

"Was, Luke. Was. I was chubby when I was younger too. But look at you now. You have girls drooling over you!" She paused, stepping closer. "Lucas Robert Hemmings you are the sexiest, hottest and most handsome person I have ever come across in my life" I felt a blush come across my cheeks and I smiled, pressing my lips to hers.

"I love you"

"I love you too" She said and grabbed my hand, leading me down the steps and towards my family. Or our family as it felt. Our family. I liked that.


"So, how's things going with you and Luke now?" Celeste asked. We had left Liz and Andy at the beach and were going for a walk. Ben seemed to know where he was going so we followed him with Jack and Luke behind us. There was quite a distance between all of the groups.

"Good, touch wood anyway"

"He really loves you, you know. He told Jack that he really wants a future with you, a long one"

"I know, I want that too"

"He also said something about wanting to live here when he settles down. Would you move out here?" I felt kind of interrogated but knew she was just looking after Luke. She'd been a part of the family for so long now anyway.

"I would. It would be hard but the flight's 14 hours so I could go home occasionally. I guess being away from my friends would be hard but it would be Alex and Tom that I would find hardest to be distanced from. They don't live with me anymore but we're super close" Celeste knew about everything with my family. Especially about how close I was to my brother and sister. It had been one of our previous conversations.

"I can't imagine leaving my family or even Jack's. We're all too close" She said and I smiled, knowing she understood. Celeste was a great person to talk to. It was one of the things I loved about her when we first met.

"Guys, we're here" Ben's thick Australian accent called from in front of us. We walked through the some trees to find a secluded section of the beach with two small, old boats. I stopped walking and stood, looking out at the sea.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I heard Luke say as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, it is"

"Just like you" He pressed a kiss to my cheek before scoping me up and carrying me over to one the boats, putting me in. He got in next and I laughed as he nearly fell in as the boat moved.

"Hey! Are you laughing at me?"

"Maybe" He moved carefully across the small boat and grabbed my waist sitting me on his lap. He tickled me slightly and peppered my neck with small kisses. "Luke, stop, please"

"Why should I?"

"I'm sorry I laughed"

"No you're not" He said, laughing slightly. I felt him move slower as we felt the boat shake.

"Can you two just get married already?" Ben shouted and we turned to see the three of them in the other boat across from us. I saw Luke give Ben give a look I couldn't read and Ben reply with a  smirk whilst Celeste and Jack had a small smile on their faces.

"We're only 20"

"I'm 21" I said to Luke and he 'ssh'ed me.

"Anyway, don't you think we're a bit young?"

"No, if you love someone, you're never too young" Celeste said. I blushed slightly.

"I don't think either of us are ready for a commitment that big yet. One day, but not yet"

"Ugh, I wanted a proposal" Ben moaned.

"Fine" Luke said. "Madison Williams, one day when I ask you will you say yes to marrying me?"

"Yes" I said and let out a small giggle. Luke's cheeks had gone slightly red whereas I was a tomato for sure. He smiled down at me and moved his head lower.

"Will you promise me that?" He whispered in my ear. I did a small nod and he smiled again, kissing my cheek then lips.

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