Chapter 1

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As we walk into school, as usual, there's a couple against the lockers making out, 2 boys that are high as fuck stumbling down the hallways, and a fight going on in the corner. Welcome to Ridge Way High School. Where you will find the sluttiest sluts, the highest highs, and the most violent fighters. You'd be lucky to find virgins in this high school. Virgins on sex, taking drugs, and drinking alcohol. Me and Taylor are only two out of maybe 7 people in this school that are virgins of those groups. We walk to our lockers which are right beside each other. We get to pick our locker locations. So, we picked our lockers beside each other, but they had to be on the other side of the school, which isn't where our classes are. I'm getting my books and binder out of my locker when we hear the first period bell ring.

"Shit.! Taylor lets go.!" Running down the school hallway is really hard when your like the losers in the school. Well, I am. Taylor is likable. She's had boyfriends, and was a popular, until she found me. For some reason she found a liking in me and left her old friends, she doesn't care if I'm not popular, were inseparable. We walk into our English class with a bang of the door swinging open.

"Sorry we're late, we-"

"Just sit down. I'll talk to you two after class." Great. A lecture from the one and only Mr.Banks. The most strict teacher I have ever seen. When he starts talking about our new segment on Romeo and Juliet, I start to drift off.


"Cassia.! Wake up.!" I hear Taylor in my ear and her shaking me. I find out that I ended up falling asleep in English class.

"It's time for a lecture from Bitchy Banks. Let's go. He's gonna make it longer on you, since you fell asleep. Idiot."

"Hey.! I was tired alright.? Don't be a bitch."

"Well good luck."

"You too." We walk up to the front of the class, and Mr.Banks gives us a look.

"Get out of my classroom. If you two are late again I will send you to the office and make sure your lockers are moved." He watches our jaws drop and gives a smirk.

"Excuse me.?! What the actual fuck is wrong with you, you asshole.!?"

"Taylor.! Shut up.! Mr.Banks im so sorry for taking up your time and Taylor's french. We'll leave, see you in class." I drag Taylor out of English class and start to walk to Maths.

"Your gonna get us suspended with that mouth of yours." I tell her. She's a real blonde sometimes. Explains her blonde hair right.?

"Your no better. You have the same mouth as I do."

"Yea well I don't cuss out my teachers."

"Okay. Okay. Don't lecture me. I've had enough. Let's just get to Maths. it's our last class." she says. Yea they don't give us lunch on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We only have two classes those days, the rest are after. We have so many students that you don't get through all your classes until after two days of school. California has too many wanna-be-famous teenagers. The rest of the school day is quite boring, until Taylor drops me off at my house. That's when I get the news.

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