Chapter 14

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Cassia's P.O.V
(it will her P.O.V for the next few chapters)

I say "come in" with a cracked, whispered voice. The door opens, and walks in Harry. I whimper and turn around covering my face. He can't see me like this. He can't, I refuse. I manage to stand and walk to the window, head still in my hands.

"Go away. You can't see me like this. I doubt you even care. I told you who I was, now get on with your life." I can't take anymore misery. I hear footsteps getting closer and I tighten my hands on my face. I feel arms on my waist and I jump. They suddenly let go, and I feel a bit of disappointment. Hands touch my shoulders and gently turn me around. My hands are still covering my face, until Harry gently pulls them down. He looks me straight in the eye, and I think I start to see guilt glisten his eyes. Guilt.? Why guilt.?

"Why are you crying.?" he asks. "Please don't cry. I didn't mean to hurt you." His voice is so caring and gentle it breaks my heart. He positions me to sit on the bed, which I do. He sits next to me and takes my hand, intertwining our fingers. My whole body starts to shake, getting nervous sucks.

"Stop shaking. I wont do anything." he coos. I start to control my shaking. I feel very uncomfortable in this dress, considering how damp it is from my tears. I pull my hand away from Harry's and stand.

"I'm gonna change real quick. This dress is sticking to me like glue." Harry laughs and nods, while getting comfortable on the bed.

"I won't be long." I say. He peeks his end up to look at me.

"I know. But I'm sure you'd rather lay back on the bed during our little talk instead of positioning yourself on the end." he says with a smirk. I nervously smile and go to the bathroom to change.

After I have removed all of my makeup and my dress I walk out of the bathroom. Harry sits up and his eyes go wide again. What.? Do I look that bad.? Oh god...

"What.? What is it.?" He stares me up and down then smiles.

"You look even more beautiful without that crap on your face." I smile at his words and walk over to the bed, after hanging up my dress. I lean on the back board and turn to Harry.

"What is there to talk about.? I told you who I was, and your reaction was completely what I expected." I feel the tears brimming my eyes again. Don't cry Cassia. Don't cry. He takes my hands and caresses my cheek.

"My reaction couldn't have been more of a dick move. I was just stunned to see that it was you." I interrupt him.

"Yea I know. You wouldn't expect the maid of Madeline Tanner to be at the masquerade ball. I get it." I start to get up but he stops me.

"Your getting it all wrong Cassia. No I didn't expect you to be there, but I still like you. Your beautiful inside and outside. Your voice is amazing and that's what made me connect with you. I cried when you sang my song because u sang it was such emotion and passion that, I lost it. I wrote that song about my sister. She left me when our parents divorced. She let me go and, I had no one but my mom. I really like you Cassia, and I want to be with you." And with that last sentence, I started to fall for Harry Styles.

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