Chapter 12

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I start to move my lips with his. I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his hands on my waist, pushing me farther against the car. No space is left between us now. I realize we are just leaning against his car, in the middle of the driveway, kissing.

"Umm...Guys.?" I pull away from Harry and see Taylor standing there with wide eyes and a smile. I gently push Harry off of me and start toward her. I give her a 'we'll talk later' look and walk inside.


Harry's P.O.V

I watch her walk inside after a glance to Taylor. Taylor squeals and runs over to me. I plug my ears.


"Ow.! My ears.! shut the fuck up, will ya.?" I start to walk inside with a jumping Taylor behind me. God, what does Nialler see in her.

We walk inside and see Niall, Zayn, and Liam sitting on the couch. I can hear Louis and 'her' in the kitchen talking about our kiss just now. Taylor runs from behind me to go sit by Niall on the couch. He puts his arm around her and she leans in. Gross. I wish me and 'her' could be like that. I still don't know who she is. She never took her mask off. I walk over to the couch and talk with the boys for a while until I hear footsteps. Louis is standing there with 'her' next to him.

"Harry. Do you want to know who she is.?" he points to 'her'. Of course I do. I've never seen someone as beautiful a voice and body as her. DUH. Idiot.

"Yes. of course I do." He nods and turns to 'her'. I can tell she's nervous. I walk over to her and take her hands. I look into her eyes.

"Please tell me who you are." I beg. She lets go and nods. She moves her hands up to her mask. As she slowly pulls it off, my eyes getting wider and wider. I can't believe...


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