Chapter 17

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I stand there wide eyed as everyone else is having their own mini conversations. Louis and Zayn are talking bout 2 hot girls they danced with tonight, Liam is talking to this girl Danielle on the phone, and Taylor and Niall are making out on the couch. Lovely. Harry turns me around, kisses my cheek, and leads me to the kitchen. He pulls out a plate and opens the fridge.

"You want something to eat.? There's some Chinese in fridge." he laughs. I smile and say Chinese. He takes the Chinese out of the fridge and puts it on a plate. White rice and Bourbon chicken. Yum. I grab a fork and go for s bite, when my hand gets slapped. I drop the fork and quickly pull back.

"Ow. What the hell.?!" I rub my hand while Harry laughs at me.

"Don't eat my food you bitch. You ain't my girlfriend." Thats when I shut off. I started to slowly walk away, while Harry stood there, confused.

"Cassia.? Cassia wait, where are you going.?" I hear his voice getting quieter as I walk out of the kitchen into the living room. Louis looks at me and gets worried.

"Cassia what's wrong.?" Taylor stops making out with Niall and looks up. She sees me and jumps off his lap and runs to me. She searches my face then softens.

"What did he say.?" I start to cry.

"He...h-he..." Taylor hugs me supportively, then let's go. She nods for me to go on.

"He said, I'm n-not his g-girlfriend." I say through my sobs. Taylor holds me in her arms as she whispers encouraging words to me. She lets go, and as on cue, Harry walks in. I quickly walk away. I can't deal with him right now. I hear their faint conversation from the music room.

"Taylor.! Why won't she talk to me.?"

"Your such a fucking idiot you know that right.?! What the hell is wrong with you.?"

"Taylor I don't even know what I did wrong.!"

"You said she wasn't your girlfriend.! That hurt her.! She likes you Harry.! You guys have a make out session and seduced conversations then you say that.?!"

"Taylor you don't understand..."

"Yes I do understand your a douchebag.!"

"I didn't mean to hurt her. There's a reason behind it you just need to-"

"Oh yes.?! Whats your made up reason Harry.? Huh.??"


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