Chapter 20

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Harry's P.O.V

My phone starts to ring as I'm hugging Cassia goodbye. Who could it be.? I look at my phone. Unknown. Hmm...

"Hello.?" I say.

"Hey Harry. Wanna have some fun tonight.? Meet me at the park, I'll pick you up. See you there sexy." and hangs up. Oh no...


Cassia's P.O.V

Harry gets off the phone and has this terrified look on his face.

"Harry what's wrong.? Who was it.?" He looks up at me and gulps.

" was a g-girl I used to m-mess around with Sophomore y-year. She thinks I'm w-willing to do it a-again. So she called and told me to meet her at the p-park." That bitch. Stealing my man. Who the hell does she think I am.?

"Well who's the girl.?"

"Peyton Brooks." No. Fucking. Way.

"PEYTON BROOKS.?! SHES DATING MY BROTHER.!!" Harry's eyes go wide.

"Oh shit." he says. Wait, why is he so worried.?

"Wait..." he looks at me.

"Why are you so worried.? Just don't go." He sighs and shakes his head. He runs his hand through his hair. I've learned lately that's a movement of frustration.

"That's not how it works. If she sees me with another girl, that's worse than me not going. She always gets what she wants, doesn't matter how it happens, but it happened." I start to get scared. I pull him towards me and wrap my arms around his torso. He wraps his arms around me as well and kisses my forehead. I don't want to let go now, but he has to leave. Madeline will be here soon.

"I love you Cassia. Nothing will get between us." I relax at his words and feel warmth in my heart.

"I love you too Harry."

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