Chapter 3

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*Ring Ring Ring*
*Ring Ring Ring*

"Go answer your lame ass friend upstairs bitch."

"Thanks Darren. love you too." I say as I walk away. I get swirled around and slapped in the face. I grab my right cheek and raise my head.

"Don't ever fucking say that to me, you whore. I will kill you. Now get out of my face, before I get the disease that makes you ugly." Darren pushes me against the stairs and walks away with clenched fists. I don't know why he didn't just punch me. I'm sure Madeline wouldn't mind. Before he yells at me to leave i balance myself and run up the stairs. My phone has already stopped ringing, but I've had at least 3 calls from Taylor now. I walk to the bathroom and call her back.

"WHY DIDNT YOU ANSWER MY CALLS.?! DID YOU SEE THE NEWS.?!" she screams. I move the phone from my ear a little as she speaks.

"Geez bitch scream much.? And sorry Darren was too busy slapping me for being sarcastic. And YES I SAW THE NEWS I CANT BELIEVE THEYRE COMING BACK.!!!" I yell back.

"I KNOW RIGHT.!! I'm so fucking happy. I can't wait to see Louis. I haven't seen him since he led on tour 6 months ago. He texted me that there was a surprise on the news that wasn't on Twitter yet so I went to the news and OMG SAW IT.!" Lol I love her.

"Hey, are you okay.? You said Darren slapped you." She's so caring.

"Yea I'm fine. He hasn't done it in a while but my face is just red. I'm applying ice right now." I take the ice and put it on my face as I walk out and into my room. When I get into my room im just about to close the door when I hear yelling.

"You cannot see her. She's my property now.!"

"Property.?! How could you call her your property.?! She's a human, not a car.!" I open my door more and walk out. I see two figures at the end of the stairs.

"Hey, what is that.?" asks Taylor.

"I don't know. Let me call you back okay.?" I hang up before she can say anything else and slowly tip toe down the stairs.

"She is my daughter now and you can't have her." Is that Madeline.? Daughter.? What the hell.?! I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. When I walk in Madeline turns her attention to me. A tall figure turns around, and that's when I see the face.


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