Chapter 21

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Cassia's P.O.V

Everything has been going well. Darren and Derek are apparently staying with their dad for 2 months and doing their school work there. Drake came home, he hates his dad and didn't want to miss school days, since he has perfect attendance.

Madeline has been giving me less chores lately, but lots of rules. We've had too many people over for dinner in the last few weeks and it's tiring.

Me and Harry are doing great. Peyton got expelled for fucking 3 guys in the girls bathroom and got dumped by Drake. She's moving to Tennessee in a few days so no one will have to see her again. Let's just say me and Harry, were behind excited.

Drake hates Harry. He thinks it's his fault Peyton called him. I don't believe that but Drake does. Derek and Darren don't like him either. They want my life to be miserable. So I'm sure they're gonna pull something on us and try to ruin our relationship. I knew they were going to do something, I just didn't know it would be this bad...


Derek and Darren are sitting on the couch watching a football game when the front door bell rings. Derek and Darren turn at the same time and smirk.

"Are you get that.?! You whore.!" Darren yells. I snort and walk to the door.

"Delivery for...Cassia Reynes.?" I smile.

"That's me.! Thanks." I grab the box walk up to my room. I open the box, in it is a bunch of black and purple roses. Harry. I take the note and read it.

Meet me on my back patio. Midnight.
H xxx

Awe. How sweet. I put the roses in a vase and call Taylor to ask if she can take me. She says yes and I watch movies till midnight.


We arrive at Harry's house right at midnight. I say goodbye to Taylor and tell her I'll be fine with a ride home. Madeline took my cell phone so no calling could happen. Taylor tells me 'go kill it' as I get out of the car. I smell the roses as I walk to the back patio. I walk up the stairs and....oh my god. No. No. No. This can't be happening.

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