Chapter 16

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I still sit on Harry as he stares at me, speechless. He keeps looking between me an his pants, it's a little weird. I move off of him to sit next to him on the bed. He sits up a little and looks at me.

"Harry...did I just make you come.?" He stares at me, then his pants. Dude, stop staring at your pants and answer my fucking question.

"Uhhh...y-yea you d-did." he says with a flushed face. I start to laugh really loud and he gives me a pouty face. Awe.

"Awe. Harry I'm sorry. I've just never done that before." He looks at me with a surprised face.

"W-what.?! You haven't.?! Holy fuck." I laugh at him again.

"That was amazing. You're a really good kisser. That was better than experienced girls I used to make out with Sophomore year." I look down and his pants.

"Obviously." I laugh. I get up and go to Louis's room across the hall. I get in the top draw and grab a pair of sweatpants. I walk back to the guest room and find no Harry. I go to the bathroom door and knock.

"Yea.!?" Harry says. I open the door a little and throw the sweatpants in there.

"Thanks.!" he replies. I smile and say I will be downstairs. I walk down the stairs and everyone turns their attention to me.

"What.?" They all keep staring.

"Nialler said he walked in on you two making out." Taylor says, while sitting on Niall's lap. He has his arm around her waist, while nodding.

"We hadn't even kissed yet, Niall ruined the moment." They all started blaming him for not letting any 'action' happen between us.

"Hey, HEY, HEY.!!" They all shut up and turn back to me.

"We did make out guys. And..." They all widen their eyes. Taylor knows exactly what I'm talking bout.

"YOU MADE HIM COME.?!" she screams. I nod and they all laugh and clap. I hear statements from all of them.

"Harry and Cassia sittin in a tree."

"I ship Hassia.!"

"Dude, they're gonna fuck after like 3 days." I laugh at all of them as I feel arms wrap around my waist. They all turn quit.

"So...talking bout me.?" Harry says. I can hear that smirk on his face. He puts his lips to my ear and whispers something I never thought he would.

"Fucking in 4 days doesn't sound too bad."

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