Chapter 5

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It's Monday.

It's finally Monday. Taylor has been talking about it all weekend. It's gotten quite annoying actually. She picks me up in her red Jeep and immediately starts talking about how school will be when they get there. I silently listen as I think about what will happen when I see Harry. When we were in middle was when I first started liking him. Our only interference was when he had dinner at my house in 8th grade with the rest of the boys. They came to Madeleine's because she's a superstar. An old one to be exact. She was giving them advice on becoming famous, it was when they first started getting noticed. I got grounded for a month because I made a huge mess at dinner. I was putting food on Harry's plate when he stood up and ran into me. The tray of food I had went flying into the table, food going everywhere. He fell on me and we both started laughing at each other. We both had food in our hair and on our clothes, but then Madeline was heard. She started screaming at me for making such a mess and Harry was a jerk back then. He said I did it on purpose and that we're lucky he's not suing us. That's when I just forgot bout him. But now he's coming back and he looked and sounded changed. I just can't belie-

"Cassia. Cassia.? CASSIA.!" Taylor screamed at me. "Did you hear me.? We're here." she said laughing.

"Oh sorry. haha." I said nervously. We get out of the car and Taylor gets all excited.

"They're here. Look.!" she says pointing to them. Like she said, all 5 boys get out of the limo and start waving and smiling.

"Louis.!" Taylor screams. Louis turns around and sees Taylor, and instant smile coming on his face.

"Taylor.! Get your ass over here and hug me.!" I laugh at his words as Taylor runs into his arms. I stare at Harry as he signs autographs and takes pictures. He turns his head and his eyes meet mine. He smiles and turns away. Did he just smile at me.?

"Uh, did Harry just smile at you.?" Louis asks me.

"Oh my god." Taylor says with a smile. I just stand there with my jaw dropped as the boys walk into the school.

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