Chapter 23

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Cassia's P.O.V

When I get inside I see all the boys sitting on the couch, except Harry. Zayn, Liam, and Niall nod at me as Louis stands. I stay silent, waiting for them to talk.

"Taylor told us everything and we think tha-" Louis is interrupted by the bathroom door opening, revealing Harry. Oh my god. His face is red and puffy. His skin is pale, and his knuckles are scabbed and bloody. What happened to him.? Its only been a week since that night.

"Harry what happened.?" He looks at me and tries to run for his room. I grab his arm and pull him back.

"Answer me now. You owe me this." He sighs.

"I was really upset when Taylor told me what you thought. I didn't do that. Peyton broke into my house I swear. I said she would do anything to break us up. Darren and Derek set me up. I cried everyday, I punched walks, I thought I lost you forever. You gotta believe me." Wow. Wait...did he say Darren and Derek set it up.?

"Wait...did you say Darren and Derek set you up.? Along with Peyton.?" He nods and tries to take my hands, but I refuse. He frowns. He's lying to me.

"Cassia I swear they did. I would never hurt you like that. We all know it." he says. I don't.

"I thought I did. But now I don't. Darren and Derek are at their dads in Tennessee. Yea sure they had contact with Peyton but they never came back. I can't believe you would lie to me like this." I start to walk backwards with Taylor following. Harry has a worried look on his face.

" you believe me.? Will you come back to me.? Forgive me.?" I keep walking.

"No, I can't. I'm leaving to live with my real brother Brandon, in New York, in a few days. I don't believe you, and I don't know if I can forgive you. But I'm leaving, so it doesn't matter. Goodbye Harry." I run out the door. Harry's cries and Taylor's screams following me. I jump in my car and drive back to the house, calling Brandon and telling him I'm coming to New York to live with him. When I get home, I start packing immediately.

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