Chapter 18

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I run into the living room and stop right when Harry sees me. He pushes Taylor out of the way and moves a little closer to me.

"They, They what.?! Fire you.?! For getting a girlfriend.?!" He looks at me with sadness.

"Yes. I'm sorry Cassia I really want to be with you but-" I raise my hand to silence him.

"You led me on all this time when you knew we couldn't be together.?" His mouth immediately closes, then opens to speak.

"I wanted you to know how important you were to me. If I didn't, how would I see you again.?" I start to feel less mad once his explanation is over. I run to him and jump in his arms. He picks me up and twirls me around as I laugh of happiness. I'm glad I have him, I just wish I could be with him.

*Knock Knock Knock*
*Knock Knock Knock*

"Someone gonna get that.?" Louis gets up and walks to the door.

"Paul.? What are you doing here.?" After I here that, Harry gets tense. I think he forgot he was holding my hand because he's squeezing it now. Paul, supposedly, walks in with a serious face.

"Hi boys, Taylor, and.." he looks at me then down to me and Harry's intertwined fingers. He suddenly lets go and moves away.

"Okay...we need to talk boys. The press are getting hungry. You have an interview Saturday afternoon, 2:00, Stars Studios. Be ready. Umm Harry.?" Harry immediately pops his head up.

"Can I talk to you please. alone.?" Paul says. Harry nods his head and starts walking up the stairs. Paul nods at us all with a smile and follows behind Harry. I stand there, alone, with everyone staring at me.

"He's so gonna get a lecture on Cassia." Zayn says. Suddenly, my phone rings. It's 1:00am.? Oh damn.


"Cassia.! Come home at 9:00am.!" Madeline says then hangs up.

"Okay. Wow."

"What is it.?" Taylor asks. I twirl my phone in my hand.

"Madeline called to tell me to get home at 9:00am." Taylor nods.

After 20 minutes of watching tv and having small talk, Harry and Paul finally come back down the stairs. Harry's face is red and...wet.? Paul says goodbye to the boys, reminding them of the interview and walks out the door. I run up to Harry and try to take his hand but, he pulls it away. My heart starts to crack.

"Harry, why won't you look at me." Harry pulls his head up. Oh my god. His eyes are puffy, his face covered in tears, his nose swelled up. What happened to him.?


"I can't see you anymore. Goodbye Cassia." And he walks out the door.

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