Chapter 19

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I left Louis's house right after Harry left. Taylor took me to her house, I couldn't stand being around the boys, reminded of Harry.

I went home at 9:00am, just like Madeline told me to. Apparently, she's going to Vegas for the weekend. Darren, Derek, and Drake are going to their dads for the weekend as well, so I have a list of chores to do.

While I'm cleaning the floor at about Noon, the door bell rings. I get up, rub my hands on my raggedy dress, and go to the door.

I open the door and Harry is standing there with a bouquet and purple roses.?

"Harry...what are you doing here.?" He stands there shaking, not knowing what to do.

"Here, come in its freezing." I open the door enough for him to slip inside. He takes his shoes off and moves in a little further. He looks me up and down and smiles.

"Why are you smiling.?" He laughs and looks at me.

"Nothing. It's just, you look just as beautiful with that old, raggedy, dirty dress on." he laughs. I laugh with him and look down at myself. He pushes the bouquet of black and purple roses toward me. I take them and look at him questioningly.

"I thought you would want roses that are your favorite colors. It took me forever to find them but, it was worth it." He pulls me toward him with his arms around my waist.

"I really like you Cassia. I'm sorry I walked out on you like that but Paul told me I couldn't be with you or see you again and it just made me start balling. But, Paul called me this morning and said he shouldn't have done tht and tht I could be with you. I immediately got dressed, found the roses, and came here. All in 4 hours." He laughs. I laugh with him and hug him. Oh, I love this boy. Having the house to myself was fun. Harry helped me finish the rest of my chores in 2 hours. We spent the rest of the weekend together. It was so cold outside so he stayed at my house all weekend watching movies and having make out sessions every once and a while. Everything was perfect, until he got a call.

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