Chapter 6

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The school day goes by rather fast. Science was boring, as always. Zayn is in my science class. Lunch was...weird. Louis and the boys sat with my and Taylor. Harry would glance at me every once and a while. It was quite strange. Social Studies came after, and Harry is in that class with me. The seat next to me was the only seat left, since no one likes me. He gave me a side smile and sat down next to me without a word. I left as soon as class was dismissed and met up with Taylor to go home. While we were on her way to her house my phone rang.

"Who is it.?" Taylor asks. Ew, Madeline.

"It's Madeline. Don't make a sound." I click answer.

"Hel-" but I'm interrupted.

"Where are you.?! I need you here to make dinner.! We have special guests coming over tonight. Get home now and put on your maid clothes and get to work.!" Madeline yells.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming." I hang up the phone and look at Taylor.

"Drop me off at my house. We're having guests for dinner tonight. She's already pissed." Taylor rolls her eyes and makes a quick turn down my road.

"Stupid ass bitch. I swear she's trying to ruin your life. What if it's the boys.?!" My eyes widen at the thought. It can't be, it wouldn't. Would it.?

"Louis said they were having dinner with an old 'friend'. Maybe it's Madeline. Remember the first time they came over." How could I forget my first and last encounter with Harry Styles.

"I seriously hope history doesn't repeat itself. That was the worst night of my life." We pull into my drive way and I open the door and get out. Taylor rolls down the window.

"Call me after dinner and tell me everything." she says.

"I will don't worry. How could I not.? I have no one else to tell it to." I laugh. She laughs as well as she pulls out of the driveway. I open the door to see the house cleaned spotless as Darren and Derek walk in, dirty with rags and mops in their hands. Are you kidding me.?!

"Did you guys clean the entire house.?" I manage out with a laugh. They both look at me with mad faces. Drake walks down the stairs with a book in his hand as he says,

"They got in big trouble at school. Suspended for a week." No way.

"How.?! What the fuck.!" I can't stop laughing and the boys sure as hell don't like it. Drake goes on.

"Darren got caught having sex in the girls bathroom and Derek got caught smoking in the boys lounge." Omg. I look at Darren with wide eyes.

"You were idiotic enough to fuck a girl in the girls bathroom.? " Then I look at Derek.

"And you were stupid enough to do drugs inside the school instead of outside the school.? What the hell is wrong with you two. This is priceless." I laugh at them when Madeline walks in.

"Stop talking to the boys you slutty whore and go upstairs to change and get to work. Our guests will be here in 45 minutes." The boys look at me.

"And be good you little bitch. You wouldn't want your crush turning his back on you again now would you.?" Darren says with a smirk.

"Lay off Darren. It wasn't her fault." Drake try's to stand up for me.

"Enough.! Leave Cassia." I walk up the stairs as I replay Darren's words.

"You wouldn't want your crush turning his back on you again now would you.?"

I can't believe it's One Direction coming over for dinner. Taylor was right. Kill me fucking now.🔫

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