Chapter 24

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Cassia's P.O.V

Today's the day. Today is when I get on a plane to New York. I really said that just to scare him but Brandon was right. Madeline and my 3 brothers are tuning my life, I had to leave. Taylor called me that night crying. I told her goodbye but said we couldn't meet up. If we met up, I could never get myself on that plane.

I'm driving to the airport shaking and crying. I don't want to leave, but I have to. My future will not be good if I stay with Madeline in hell. I give my car to the airport rentals, since I won't be needing it, and go to the airport entrance. I'm just about to walk in when someone screams my name. I turn around and Harry is running to me, Taylor and the rest of One Direction following them. I stand there, not knowing what to do.

"Cassia." Harry says out of breathe. His face is once again red and puffy.

"Please. Don't leave me. How will I find you.?" I feel tears brimming my eyes, but won't let them fall.

"That's the point. You won't." I say. I start to leave but I have more to say.

"Did you feel sorry for me.? Was that your plan.? Was I your charity case.?" Harry opens his mouth, but closes it. I turn back around but Taylor turns be back to get a hug. I squeeze her hard and hug the rest of the boys. My plane is called and I wave to them all. I tell Taylor we'll talk everyday, Niall to be good to her, Zayn congratulations on him and Perrie, Liam to just stay the same, and for Louis to watch Harry for me. I walk to my plane and never look back. I hear Taylor crying, Niall soothing her, and Harry sobbing and screaming my name. But I just keep walking.

"Everyone please take your seats. Flight 157 to New York will be taking off shortly."

Goodbye California. Hello New York.

*Hey guys.! It's over.! Don't worry there's a sequel. "Still Your Charity Case.?" is in the making but go ahead and put it in your library.! Please read.!

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