Chapter 15

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I take Harry's hand off my cheek and put it on my waist. He gives me a confused look, but slowly realizes what I'm doing. He puts both his hands on my waist, as he grips them and he pulls me on top of him so I'm straddling his legs. I take his beautiful face into my hands and slowly move him forward. Our lips slightly brush, when the door bursts open.

"Hey guys is everything oka-. GEEZ.! SORRY.!" Harry starts laughing as Niall slams the door behind him. I scramble off Harry and go to the door and lock it. I turn around and Harry is smirking.

"Smart girl. Have you done this before.?" He's something.

"No, but I've learned from previous experiences of opening the door to Darren fucking a girl and it wasn't a good sight." Harry's face turns disgusted and I start to laugh. He pulls me closer and says,

"So...where were we.?" I take his face in my hands once again, his hands on my waist. I go straight in for the kiss, not wanting another interruption. Harry smiles into the kiss, as his mouth opens. The longer the kiss, the more heated it gets. He opens his mouth more and starts to kiss me at a faster pace. When I open my mouth more he slips is tongue in and starts exploring my mouth. I moan into his mouth, his hands gripping my waist tighter. He flips us over and holds himself up with his arms. He starts to slowly move his body down lower, closer to mine. My hands are still around his neck, pulling at his curly hair. He moans when I do, and I pull harder. He lowers himself more until our stomachs are touching. I take his body in my arms and flip us over again, never breaking the kiss. I straddle his legs once again, still pulling his hair, causing quit moans to come from both of us. I start to move my hips on him, a gasp escaping his lips. I break the kiss, but find out that was a mistake. Harry pulls my face back down and starts kissing me again. He pushes my hips down on him, showing he wants me to do what I did again. I start to roll my hips against him once again, and he makes a loud moan into my mouth. I kiss him harder and slip my tongue into his mouth. I grind on him harder and faster, Harry moaning every time. I can feel him getting harder by the minute and before we know it, I feel his pants wet against me. I break the kiss and look at him. His face is red and his lips are swollen. He looks down at his pants then up at me. No fucking way...

"Did I just make you come.?"

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