Chapter 4

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Brandon gives me a huge smile as he says
"Cassia." I run into my real big brother's arms and he picks me up and spins me around.

"I can't believe your here. I thought I would never see you again. Why are you here.?" I pull away from Brandon and look at him. He sighs.

"I came to get you." he says. What.?

"Get me.? Like, live with you.?" What is he thinking.?

"Yea. You can move to New York with me and go to school there, make friends, you could be happy." He says with a smile. He takes my hands, but I step away. His smile turns into a instant frown.

"What.? Don't you want to get out of this place.? Get away from her.?" he says pointing to Madeline.

"That is rude and disrespectful.! Besides, you can't take her. I'm her guardian now. I would have to agree to it, and I never will." Madeline states with a smirk. Bitch.

"Why don't you let her decide.?! Maybe she hates it here. Maybe-"

"I don't want to leave.!" I interrupt. God, why do people do that.?

"Cassia.? What the hell is wrong with you.?!" Did he seriously just say that.?

"Brandon.! What the hell is wrong with you.?! Yea sure I don't like living here, but I have a friend that I can't leave. Besides, One Direction is coming back for Senior year starting on Monday." Brandon's face suddenly changes. It's emotionless, so I go on.

"I can see Harry again. I might be able to get my chance. He's changed. I can't leave without seeing him."

"Cassia.." he starts.

"I'm not leaving. End of story." I wrap my arms around his torso and he wraps his around my shoulders.

"I love you Brandon, but it's time you go. Goodbye." I let go of him and start to walk away as tears brim my eyes.

"Cassia wait.! Can't u just think about this.?! Cassia.!" I walk up the stairs, and close my bedroom door. I slide down the back of the door as I let the tears fall. I know I shouldn't have just walked away from him like that after not seeing him for 7 years since our parents died, but he wouldn't just kept talking. I walk to my bed and sit as I hear,

"I won't leave for good like I did when she was 10 after our parents death. I will be back." Brandon says and the door slams shut.

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