Chapter 11

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Harry offered to drive me home tonight so we're sitting in awkward silence. I tell him which way to go every once and a while, until my phone rings at a stop light. Great, Madeline. I wonder what she's gonna yell at me now for.

"Yes Madeline.?" I say with an annoyed tone.

"Don't give me that attitude missy. Don't come home. Go find your bitchy friend Taylor and sty with her tonight got it.? Good. Bye." Uh oh. I look at Harry and he turns to me with a confused face.

"What.? What's wrong.?" My face is frozen.

"I can't go home. She said I can't go home. Oh god. What do I do.?!" Harry puts on a side smile and laughs a little.

"What.? This isn't funny Harry.!" I gave a little too much attitude I think.

"I could take you to Louis's where Taylor is ya know. I'm sure he would be happy to have you over so Taylor isn't crawling for his attention all night. Besides, I don't think Louis can handle Taylor and Niall by himself. They have a thing going on." I laugh at him and nod as I call Taylor.

"Heyyyy bitch what's up.?" she answers. God shes so weird.

"Hey me and Harry are on our way. Madeline told me not to come home. So, be ready for us. And no PDA with Niall.!" Taylor laughs on the other end when I hang up. I look over and Harry is smiling. We pull into the driveway and Harry just awkwardly sits there. He turns to me and talks.

"You do know I still don't know who you are." I start to blush and get a little scared. He goes on.

"But I don't care about that right now. Lets just get inside." I look at him then get out. When I close the car door, I turn around and he's standing there right in front of me.

"I was gonna open that for you." He smiles and I smile back. I start to walk but he pushes me against the car. Before I know it I feel pressure on my lips, the movement. He's kissing me.

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