Chapter 8

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Cassia's P.O.V

"Taylor, I don't know. We don't even have dresses, plus we don't have dates." Taylor has been going on about the masquerade ball at school this upcoming weekend.

"Oh come on Cassia. I can find us dresses and it's a masquerade ball. You can't miss it. Guys may not know you exist but everyone will be wearing masks. You can find a mysterious cute guy and dance with him all night long. It will be great I promise. Besides, I already found a beautiful gold dress for you to try on." She's so convincing. How could I say no to her.? She spent so much time on planning for this ball. I had to go.

"Fine fine fine. Only because you did so much work for it." Taylor starts clapping and jumping around.

"Yay.! Yay.! Yay.! We're gonna have so much fun.!" Oh what have I got myself into.


Before I know it, the week has passed and me and Taylor are getting ready for the ball. The dress Taylor picked for me is beautiful. I apply black eyeliner and mascara as Taylor puts her bright red heels on. I grab my golden converse (I don't do heels) and my gold, sparkled bow. Me and Taylor look at each other and smile.

"Damn bitch you look sexy." I laugh at her words as I look her up and down.

"You don't look too bad yourself whore." We laugh together as we walk to the car.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I never imagined I would go." I stare out the window as I think of things that might happen tonight. I could meet a cute boy and dance and sing with him all night. He would never know who I was, and I would never know who he was. Interesting.

"Me either. You should do the karaoke there.! Your voice is amazing. You have to Cass." I don't have a bad voice. No one will know who I am. Hmm.

"Maybe I should. No one would know who I am." This might not be so bad.

"Yay.! OMG we're gonna have sooooo much fun. We're meeting Louis at the front entrance." I nod while we pull in. Lights surround the building where the dance is. It looks beautiful. I get out of the car and start walking with Taylor to the entrance.

"Come on. There he is. Dang he looks good." Taylor points at Louis and, she's so right. His messy hair and tux, wow. We walk up to Louis and he smiles.

"Damn Tomlinson. You look as good as I do." he says to Taylor.

"Oh shut up. hahahaha." I laugh with them as Louis turns to look at me. He looks me up and down with wide eyes.

"Umm wow Cassia. You look...amazing. Nice touch on the shoes. haha." I laugh with him as I look down at my shoes.

"I don't do heels, besides these shoes look great with this dress." We all smile and walk into gym. Everything is black, white, and gold. I grab my mask and put it on as Louis and Taylor do the same. Here goes nothing.

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