Chapter 7

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As i finish putting everything on the tray, the door bell rings. Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. The boys are here.

"Hey guys. Come on in." I hear Drake say. Great. They're in the house. Madeline comes in the kitchen from behind me.

"Be good. Do not make the same mistake the first time they came here." she whispers in my ear. She walks into the dining room and welcomes them.

"Boys.! Welcome back.! So glad to see you again." I hear. Here we go.


Harry's P.O.V

As Drake sits us down I hear whispering in the kitchen.

"Be good. Do not make the same mistake the first time they came here." Madeline whispers, but who is she talking to.? Their maid.? Wait...their maid. What's her name again.?

"Cassia.!" I lift my head to see a medium sized girl with red dyed hair walk in with a tray of food, wearing a maid dress. She looks pretty. But what was Madeline talking about.? Oh...I remember. When I ran into her and the food went flying. I was a jerk and said it was all her fault and threatened to sue them. How could I have done that to her.? I was the bad boy in school at the time, it was my image. I thought I had to keep it that way. I'm glad being around the boys and being in this band helped me change. I look at Cassia and our eyes meet. She immediately looks away.

"Drinks. Now, Cassia." Madeline orders. How can she be so rude to her, and she had to live like this.? How cruel.

"Boys. I wish you your best at school. Doing a song with me is always open. Since I'm so popular. Hahahaha." She's so crazy. We say our goodbyes and the boys start to walk to the door. I take a glance into the kitchen. I'm just about to walk in and apologize to Cassia when...

"Harry dear.! What are you doing.?" Madeline looks at me and then into the kitchen at Cassia.

"Oh. You don't want to go in there. Someone like you shouldn't be going around someone like her. Come darling the door is this way." Madeline pushes me towards the door as Cassia takes a glance at me, but turns away quickly. I turn around and walk out the door, following the boys. Well, tonight was something.

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