Chapter 10

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The song ends and I stand there with the microphone, staring at the crowd. I start to get nervous until screaming and clapping fills the gym. I start to smile and look down at Harry in the front. His jaw is dropped and his eyes are wide. The DJ comes up and takes the microphone from me.

"What a great start to the night of karoake. Your voice is amazing kid." I look at him and say thanks.

"We're gonna play some dance music then some slow music then some more karoake.! yea.!" I run off stage and to Taylor with open arms. She runs into my arms screaming. She's so excited.

"Oh my god Cass that was amazing.! Harry was totally into it." I roll my eyes.

"I seriously doubt that Tay." but her expression tells me different. Her face goes completely serious.

"He was crying Cassia. I saw two years run down his face. I heard he wrote that song bout a girl he used to love, you really touched him." Wow. Didn't expect that.

"Cassia.!" I turn around to see Louis running up to me with a huge smile.

"Shut up you idiot.! She doesn't want anyone to know it's her. Your such a dipshit Louis." Taylor says as she rolls her eyes.

"Shut your pie hole Ya whore. You did amazing Cass. You really touched Harry." I smile and thank Louis.

"Speaking of Harry he's coming.! Act cool.!" Shit. Shit. DAMMIT.!

"Hey." Harry says to me. His smile is so gorgeous. I probably should say something.

"Hi." I smile. He gives me an instant smile back. Taylor talks.

"I'll leave you two, come on Louis." Taylor drags Louis away.

"Bye Louis."

"See Ya Lou, Taylor." Harry says and turns back to me. He stands there awkwardly, playing with his fingers. He runs his hand through his hair in a nervous movement.

"That was...something. I've never heard someone sing my song like that." What the hell does that mean.?

"Umm thanks." I look at him with hurt and confusion. He sees it and his face fills with guilt.

"Oh god no. I didn't mean it like that. It was amazing. You were so into it. The emotion you had, and your voice. With that voice you could get an instant record deal." He nervously laughs. I laugh with him. He has got to be kidding. A slow song comes on and he looks at me.

"Would u wanna dance.?" He puts his hand out for me, which I take. He smiles and pulls me to the floor. I see Taylor smile when she sees us. Niall takes her hand and drags her to the dance floor, positioning next to us. We both look at each other and do a silent squeal. We're such fan girls. Me and Harry dance the night away with Niall and Taylor by our side. Zayn, Louis, and Liam find girls to dance with for the night and we all have fun. Taylor leaves with Louis to go to the boys house for the night and Harry offers to take me home. This is gonna be interesting.

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